it'd be better if they matched. But the sig is kickass cool. Can't really see what the av says though. 8/10 for sig, 5/10 for av.
9/10 for both. Very cool blend. Hey, whoever rates mine, don't rate the Chester Bennington ad, just the depeche mode sig and avatar.
umm... the sig & avat. it ok i'll give 8/10 PS.plz any one help me where can i find the smilies? so i can post them in my msgs
Sig & Avatar: Both 9/10 I love the colors, and the sig and avatar match nicely. The border on the sig is great. The only thing I'm not too fond of is the text, I think it's a bit too big for the picture. But it looks awesome anyways.
Sig: 9/10 It's a very interesting picture and I like the effect that you put on it. The text is good because it's not too flashy or anything.
rate my new sig... what do you guys think - hope this is the right place to ask - never done it before lol
You're supposed to rate the sig above yours when you post in this thread. I'll give your sig a 9/10, I like the colors and the blending a lot. Well done. I'll give the avatar a 7/10 because I think the orange thing is kind of out of place.
sig - 5/10 I never played half life, but this sig does look interesting. I love the background colors.
9/10 Fantastic! I love the Polaroid pictures and the quote, the whole thing is just generally well done. Awesome!