Avatar: Remember - borders are your friends - always use them to prevent an image melting into the rest of the page. Very organised, clear and simple. - 9/10 Signiture: Definately needs a border, to be honest. The text seems to be all over the place as well (far too close to the edge of the image). Overally, the tag doesn't really look too organised, especially to the right which puts me right off it. The middle section with all the band looks good, but that needs to be reflected in the rest of the image. Also as an extra note - those other random banner things are just... 6/10
Well, lets see... I give the Av a 6.5/10 because I don't know what it is. A cartoon or something? I'll give the Sig a 7/10 because I think it looks awsome. There's only one thing I don't understand --> Whats all this about: ** %Sir_Auron "pokes" Alex because he felt like it (%Sir_Auron) Kat* (%Sir_Auron) Kat* (%Sir_Auron) Kat* (%Sir_Auron) Kat* (%Sir_Auron) Kat* ???
It's a random quote from #UFF9 - I always go through my logs and laugh at old jokes - it's a filler basically (please rate ImmortalSoul's sig and not mine)
av - cool kinda creepy 5/10 sig - thats cool i like the number thingy, very....................evil........... 7/10
ava- 7/10 i dont like the static thing :/ Sig - 9/10 I like the background and the nice flash work done with it
av - 7/10 [because of the animation ] sig - 8.5/10 [i like the fact that the two pictures are merged together seamlessly, very nice blending.. ]
Av - mike Shinoda See em EVERYWHERE. 5/10 Sig - I remember your sig was too big...now it's too small but I still like the concept, so I'ma give it a 8/10
Avatar: 9/10 Why?:Idon't know, that guy is just cool. B) Signature: 7/10 Why?: Too big (mine is the best, don't you dare to put a 5/10 on my avatar or sig. )
That's Joey Jordison, drummer of SlipKnot and guitarist of Murderdolls. Av - Neo! LMAO Generally I like that charcter but I prefer Niobe. Since it's one of the movies I can watch without puking I'll give it a 8. Sig - I know where you got that from...it's from one of the fansites and i think it was in another language. Dutch or something. Then you just made it smaller, you I still like that image, I used it for a banner once. I'll give a 6 since it was taken from somewhere else.
Avatar : 8.5/10 Nice and simple. Sig : 7/10 It's kinda big ... but since there are nine members I can't say much.
That's Joey Jordison, drummer of SlipKnot and guitarist of Murderdolls. Av - Neo! LMAO Generally I like that charcter but I prefer Niobe. Since it's one of the movies I can watch without puking I'll give it a 8. Sig - I know where you got that from...it's from one of the fansites and i think it was in another language. Dutch or something. Then you just made it smaller, you I still like that image, I used it for a banner once. I'll give a 6 since it was taken from somewhere else. [/b][/quote] everyone takes their stuff from some place else who the hell is Niobe? I forgot
everyone takes their stuff from some place else who the hell is Niobe? I forgot [/b][/quote] Yeah but you have to try to make it at least a little more original. Niobe ...the Matrix? Ghost? Yeah.
Yeah but you have to try to make it at least a little more original. Niobe ...the Matrix? Ghost? Yeah. [/b][/quote] ;S
Av: 4/10 It's so blurry I can't understand what it's suppose to be. I'll give you a 4 because I'm sure it probably look's better full size. Sig: 7/10 Even though you didn't "make it more original" it still looks awsome. Looks cool. It could have been bigger though.
It is Neo (The Matrix), he is stopping the bullets, that is what he is supposed to be doing there. Avatar: 8.5/10 That logo of Caliban is cool. But not enough for a 10 . Sig.: 7.7/10 kinda too big but it is OK.
Ava- 8.5/10 nice shot of neo. sig-6/10 Its a nice try , but you should change the color , it'll definately look better with a diff color.