I love the way school works. Instead of doing your job as a teacher and teaching us the subject, you're gonna make us watch an hour and a half documentary at home of it and makes us take notes. Fucking brilliant.
Ughh I hate that "teachers". I don't know in your school, but at least in my school they aren't all like that.
This is the first time it has happened for me, and it pisses me off. That hour and a half video plus the notes took me over 2 hours to do because of the note taking.
The teacher is conserving class time so that they can get through the material. Yeesh. You act as if they murdered your family and locked you in a cage in the cold. Your teacher has a life too, you know.
Kill me now. Studying. And chapter about religion. I don't fancy religions. I fancy history. So can this chapter please end....
Yeah. Well, I think Religions have just as many good and shit ideas as anything else. To me, religions seem like a mixture of ideas about philosophy, group identity, mortality etc. They're written by humans so they're as flawed/thoughtful as ideas humans come up with can be. In real life, I'm a bit of a bummer regarding this because of all the bullshit superstitions you get you deal with but there's plenty of interesting things in there, that make you think. I guess I basically see religions as form of culture (ethnicity?) rather than what people seem to think. And I mean, dismissing these ideas is a bit narrow-minded. It's not like we've got everything figured out ourselves. I went off on a tangent there, haha. This just reminded me of a discussion I saw earlier. People get too intense on this subject and just can't seem to empathize and see it from the perspective of the other group. Then again, that's everything. Humans tend to form groups and stay in and validate themselves in their own little bubbles. It's kinda lame.
Ignoring Gibs' condescension, the vinyl looks amazing. Of course, it's understood that it sounds golden.
Now that I got almost 300 bucks coming in from my income tax return, I'm reallllllly tempted to purchase a copy of Devin Townsend's long out of print "By A Thead" live set, which has absolutely INCREDIBLE performances of the orignal four albums of the DTP. I have the money to blow, but man, I don't know if I wanna spend nearly half of it. Not sure if I should resist or not.....
I find it interesting from a historical and culture point of view. How it changed entire communities in a matter of years. How entire civilisations, like the Roman Empire, were polyteistic and accepting of each others gods (that represented very different things) but as soon as, for example, Christianity appeared religious wars began within the civilisation. But when I have to read an entire chapter (about 30 pages) about islam and islamic culture... Not thank you. I don't wanna read an entire chapter just about a religion and its culture. Anyway, could have a huge debate about this. I don't mind reading like a page or whatever about the religion. But like I said, an entire chapter solely about religion. Nope... Also: I'm not throwing garbage on either Christianity or Islam here or trying to create some kind of theological debate either..
If you appreciated the music as much as I do, and knew how great the peformances and recordings are, you might begin to understand.