I guess I didn't have it so bad then. The temperature was between the 20s and 40s for a few days after New Year's Day here in Texas.
Yesterday my dad told me that he was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer last month and that he doesn't know what stage it is at now. I am really hoping that it was caught before anything irreversible has happened. I don't know what I would do if I lost him. I haven't talked to him much since last June and I don't know if I can make it to him before he dies. I just feel like I've been a really shitty son to him the past couple years and I don't know if I can make it better.
I’m sorry about your dad and hope he can find a cure for it before it progresses. I’ve learned that parents will always forgive their child if they love them. Give it a chance and see how a meeting with you two goes. The love he has for you will probably still be the same.
I'm sorry to hear that, but anything you've done can still be reversed. Just a phone call or two every week will do wonders. You can make everything right, still. I hope your dad lives on for a long time.
Work parties: The quintessential situation of asking yourself "Can I go home now?" over and over again in your head...
I know it's a double post, but whatever. It's been 10 days... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm excited to go see Starset tomorrow and on Friday. This week should be good.