I'd be waiting so patiently for that day but if they are not included the first day they become elligible I Swear to Hybrid Theory that I will revolt.....and all that would remain would be we the soldiers and our army!
I wish they hadn't gone for such a harsh vocal take with it, I still don't know what they were going for with that. Chester's vocals clash with the rest of the song. It's a shame too because that song contains some of my favorite lyrics they've written to date. The live versions are really nice, Chester's softer vocals really do the song justice. Shame they've stopped playing it. I wish the album version was more like this.
I like Chester's vocals and I don't really see them as "harsh". A little gruffness doesn't qualify as harsh. It's not like he went and did screams on the track. Heck, he doesn't even use the amount of gruffness he usually adds to songs.
In comparison to their other softer tracks on the album, it sort of threw me off, personally. He doesn't sound like that at all on "Waiting for the End" or "Iridescent". It's like he's sort of shouting the lyrics when to me it doesn't feel necessary for a soft, acoustic song. Being an acoustic piece, I imagine the "rawness" of Chester's voice was a stylistic choice, but I find it a little too much. Actually kind of reminds of THP in that regard. I can see why many like the album version, but every time I hear the "Remember you're loved, and you always will be. The smell of tea will bring you right back home" and the "Love keeps us kind" parts, I wince a bit. Lyrically, it's one my favorites, but because of this I rarely listen to the song unless I'm doing a full ATS playthrough.
The "smell of tea" lyric is actually "melody". Do we have a thread for misheard LP lyrics? I swear we do. I like that one best out of all the ones I've heard haha. I think The Messenger works and really conveys the emotion best with the more gruff vocals.
This is very random, but I feel this is a better place to post this, but I found this recent photo of Mark Wakefield, ex Linkin Park singer, on the Velvet Hammer Management instagram, where he works. There's a few other photos of him on the Instagram page. Pretty sure this is him, he looks like an older picture from the Xero group pic.
Yes I did, but I wanted to get people's thoughts on it. It's been hard trying to find a recent photo of Mark, all the others were extremley obscured.
HOLY SHIT! Is it really not that? Fucking hell, what have I been hearing for the last 6 years? I haven't been this confused since mishearing Death Grips "Houdini", in which I was positive that it was "this asshole be a pussy turd", which I didn't think was that odd for them. I wonder what other LP lyrics I may have misheard. Time to take a trip to azlyrics or genius.
linkinpark.com is just as good Also, MC Ride isn't using real words at all so you're mishearing everything
Not that "this asshole be at pussy church" makes more sense, but it's always fun seeing the people on genius.com trying to dissect every line of theirs. There are quite a few others songs where I was so confused when I looked up the lyrics. I actually thought about making a "misheard lyrics" thread a long time ago, I should make one. The LP site has a lyrics section? I'm not seeing it, probably not looking in the right section.