Sometimes I wonder when the hell the "Sessions" thread is going to be brought back (This month? ) I recently went back and listened to THP and my opinion on it has definitely changed over time. Want to see what others think about each song now that's it been out for a few years and it's settled in.
Just found out about Mike's feature in "carry me away" for the first time via a spotify recommendation. Pretty cool that in a rap song he featured as a singer in the chorus.
He demo'd that chorus with the intention of being replaced w/ another singer, I believe, and Cypress Hill just kept his vocal on it instead.
Really? I was in the loop when that was released, but not when "We Made It" was. I didn't discover it until 2012 and when I did I thought it was fire I've always loved Carry Me Away though. Really? That's interesting. Where'd you hear that?
I predict the album is going to be more political than usual. But I've predicted incorrectly enough in the past to not trust my intuition anymore.
For some reason I'm imagining the opposite. Like I'm imagining ATS, but instead of themes of war and samples of speeches, it'll be themes of personal conflicts and samples of everyday life stuff. Although there's plenty in the world I'm sure the band is keen on spilling music over.
Saw some comment on the latest LP Instagram post that was, like, "they need to bring the distorted gitars back" Put my palm to my face after reading that.
Yeah, I know. All the different things pointed out in the comments are annoying, obviously, but that sentiment specifically is annoying in particular because LP's most recent album was their most guitar-heavy one to date