I have some questions about the HCT. 1. I have attended a show before but never with floor seats and an LPU membership. What time should I arrive at the venue for prime spots on the floor? 2. I understand that LPU members get early access to merchandise, does this mean you get to the front of the line? Or you can buy merchandise before they "stores" are open? 3. My tickets are in section FL9 but I know I bought the general admission tickets. I'm assuming the FL means floor but what does the 9 represent? 4. My friends that I am going with do not have LPU memberships so they don't have early entrance with me. Will they be able to come to the front with me after? I'm assuming no. If so will the membership that came with the purchase of LT allow for them to have early access? 5. Will Incubus or LP be closing the show? I have more but I can't think of them at the moment, I'll be sure to update with more. Thanks in advance to anyone who can answer any of these questions.
1. For one it's not floor seats like Coldplay but instead General Audience where everyone stands. If you are looking for front row pit then you better intend on getting there pretty early in the morning. 10 AM latest. If you think you are capable of running past everyone then you can maybe get there later. It really depends on the fans in your city and how hardcore they are about Linkin Park. 2. The LPU Early Access allows you to enter the concert hall roughly 10-15 mins before everyone else. Just read the FAQ HERE. 3. No clue. No idea about the specifics of your concert hall and how it is organized. Just check the official site. They usually have a floor map. 4. No. No. and NO. Just read the FAQ. 5. LP is closing
Fuck that. When I go to LP shows, I go a few hours before the door opens, and I always get front row. If people are in your way, you push through them, or somehow make it to the front. Just because someone is in front of you doesn't mean you can't be in front of them.
So say I arrive 15 minutes before the show starts I'll still get in ahead of all the other people without LPU memberships?
"Chances for Meet & Greets at Linkin Park concerts Early entrance to Linkin Park shows (some exclusions may apply)" I don't think anyone here will know exactly what those exclusions are as it depends on the venue and the type of show you're attending (festivals are excluded I would assume). Contact LPUHQ and ask them. Make sure you get there a little earlier just to be on the safe side.
Depending on whether or not I get a M&G, I plan on going my full 400 meter dash sprint into the pit. Might even bring spikes to give a little extra kick if you know what I mean