just a warning: u could be banned for a lot of post that doesn't make sense and a lot of threads repeating the same things and posting iligal urls. sorry, i dont think u would. and i'm not hitting on u, so dont take very personal.
lol.......yeah right! u havent been here that long, u dont have that many posts(doesnt matter too much tho), and how do u know a mod is even being looked for?? and honestly, from me bein a former mod/admin, being a mod isnt all hyped up of what u think.....bein an admin is pretty cool, but as mod, majority of what you do is move threads, delete threads, close em and thats bout it.....its kinda like workin, and sometimes u get peeps who are real buttheads and u gotta edit their posts and what not....so my answer is NO, i dont think u should be a mod. hehe
He's gone. I was getting sick of him. The first step to becoming part of the moderating staff is to follow all of the rules and (get this) NOT ASK TO BECOME A FLIPPIN' MODERATOR!