Pulp Fiction/Other Quentin Tarantino Films

Discussion in 'The Living Room' started by Mark, Apr 30, 2007.

  1. #1

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    I saw Grindhouse a few days ago and got back into my infatuation with Quentin Tarantino films. The man is a genius writer, director, and a pretty good actor to boot.

    Because of this Tarantino binge, I watched Pulp Fiction for a second time and fell in love with it again. It seems to be one of those movies that gets better with each viewing. It has to be my favorite movie ever.

    Never in a movie have I heard such compelling dialogue, delivered with such great performances from such a talented group of actors. Samuel L. Jackson delivers what could quite possibly be the greatest performance of his career, and John Travolta compliments him perfectly. The conversations between Jules (Jackson) and Vincent (Travolta) throughout the movie are engrossing and intriguing, not to mention hilarious at times, especially when Jules is getting pissed at Vincent. Bruce Willis was exceptional, specifically in the scene where he and Marcellus Wallace (Ving Rhames) are abducted by the shop owner and his friend Zed.

    Who else has Ezekiel 25:17 memorized? :lol:

    So, Pulp Fiction: Great movie, or the the greatest movie?

    Anyone have any favourite quotes or scenes from the movie? I'd say mine, but I'd end up just repeating the entire damn script.

    Discuss other Tarantino films as well.
  2. #2

    Kæton is Keaton LPA Über VIP

    Oct 16, 2002
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    I absolutely love Pulp Fiction. I'd say it's probably one of my top favorite movies. I agree that everything about it just seems to fit and the performances are amazing. My favorite quote has got to be the entire scene between Jules and Brett, especially the "What?" part. :lol: Every time I see it, I just HAVE to recite the dialogue along with the film.

    I love Tarantino's other films as well. A personal favorite would be both Kill Bill volumes since they are so different yet intriguing in their own ways. One is action packed, while the other is very story/dialogue driven. Jackie Brown is also a personal favorite... another great dialogue-savvy movie that's got brilliant attitude. Can't forget about Reservoir Dogs though... Words can't describe how much I love the film. Especially when Mr. Orange is bleeding out in the back seat, it's so raw and real because usually in movies, when someone's shot, they just fall over and "die." Plus, the final scene makes you feel so sorry for Mr. White. Made a fool by the cop, taking a bullet and killing his fellow men for what you think he feels is righteous just makes you feel for the guy.

    I LOVED his segment in Four Rooms as well. I love how the entire thing is almost one continuous shot from start to finish. Also, his two-part Grave Danger story for CSI was probably the best CSI episodes I've seen.

    Man, I could go on and on... I truly do think Tarantino is a very good writer/director. I'd go so far as to say he's probably one of the best of our time. Or at least in his style.
  3. #3

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    I still remember that episode, and when I watched it I didn't even know Tarantino was involved with it! That was one hell of an episode, he really dialed up the tension.

    He was really cool in episodes of Alias, although I didn't know who he was when I originally saw the episodes.

    I can't believe it, but I haven't seen Reservoir Dogs. I'm totally renting it tomorrow.

    My favourite scene in PF would probably be the one where Jimmy is totally ripping into Jules and Vincent in the kitchen. Especially the-- erm.. storage comment. Cracks me up every time.



    As for the "What?" sequence, that's amazing as well. Knowing you, Keaton, I think you'd enjoy this:

  4. #4

    Kæton is Keaton LPA Über VIP

    Oct 16, 2002
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    OMG, I totally spaced on the Jimmy scene! That's another one of my favorites! I remember thinking to myself, "He's just asking to get shot" when I first heard it. I couldn't believe something so great yet so offensive could be expressed so nonchalantly! :lol:

    And those little movies rule!
  5. #5

    Dean LPA Addict LPA Addict

    May 8, 2004
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    No way is Pulp Fiction the best fillm ever. It's not even the best Tarantino film... that'd be Reservoir Dogs, then True Romance although he only wrote that one. Then it's PF.
  6. #6

    Darkquette909 Member

    Apr 28, 2007
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    Well Q Tarantino's movies are truly a work of art. I would have to say that "Kill Bill 1" is my favourite movie of his, the whole Dialogue and the fighting scense are just wow. A lot of people I know who cant stand violent movies fell in love with "Kill Bill", AND Uma Thurman's performance was outstanding.
  7. #7
    Radox Redux

    Radox Redux Member

    Apr 7, 2007
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    I know I'm probably gonna get booo'd for this. But I can't stand QT. I'm not attacking anybody posting in this topic, but a lot of Quentin-buffs I've seen, simply go with the hype that everyopne else draws from his movies. He just seems to be a bad meme. I don't like the fact that he goes outta his way to use unconventional methods, particulaly in camera shots, just for the sake of it, like he's trying to prove something. He's the type of director that would purposly go outta his way to avoid stereotypes regardless of how they effect the movie at all. However there are exceptions. Pulp Fiction isn't bad (Though it remains one of the most overated movies of all time.) and Kill Bill Vol 1 is amazing, and could've been the start of an amazing series, if Tarentino hadn't slipped back into his usually funk for Vol 2.

    Don't attack me for this, just my opinions, but he's nowhere near as good as his reputation. And I say this to certina people: Follow your own opinion, not the metaphorical herd. Peace.
  8. #8
    The Joker

    The Joker Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    my favorite tarantino film would have to be pulp fiction. its one of those movies that just get better each and every time i watch it. the clip that mark posted with jimmy is hilarious but the best part is where vincent
    "accidentally" shoots marvin. i loved both kill bills and i would put them behind pulp fiction and then put jackie brown behind those. i still havent seen reservoir dogs but i have it right here and im going to try to watch it in the next day or so.
  9. #9

    somekid Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2005
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    Pulp Fiction is my favorite movie.

    There is engaging dialogue, comedy, great music, and great acting.

    It has several of the best scenes ever done in movies. (The christopher walken monologue, the ending with jules, etc.)

    Personally I think my favorite scene is where Vincent shoots Marvin in the face.

    I also love Reservoir Dogs.
    Last edited: May 2, 2007
  10. #10

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    What's so bad about trying to be different? It's the unconventional way in which Tarantino writes and directs movies that makes him such a visionary and acclaimed director. He brings something different and exciting to the table.

    Michael Bay or Joel Schumacher can throw in a few explosions and car chases and make a blockbuster whenever they want. They don't give a crap about scripts and storylines and actors, they don't care about making the best film possible. As long as it passes the $100M mark, they're happy. But Tarantino carefully crafts his work and executes his game plan very methodically and, in most cases, brilliantly. Thank god there are people like Tarantino still concerned about art in the movie industry nowadays.

    Kill Bill Vol. 2 was a letdown in comparison to Kill Bill Vol. 1 from an action standpoint, but I think Vol. 2 had better dialogue.

    I base my fandom for Tarantino on his movies and ability, not on how popular he is.
  11. #11
    Chris Luke

    Chris Luke LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    May 15, 2004
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    Kill Bill is one of my top 10 movies of all time. Tarantino makes me love action films.
  12. #12

    goodbyetonight Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2006
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    Kill Bill Vol. 1 and 2 are my top 2 favorite films of all time. Tarantino is an absolute genius.
  13. #13

    Dean LPA Addict LPA Addict

    May 8, 2004
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    The scene in Reservoir Dogs where Mr Orange is talking about being in the toilets with some police while carrying is my favourite.
  14. #14

    DarthPeanut Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2007
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    I love Kill Bill. The first part of Grindhouse was brilliant, but the second part.. I was cheering because it was the end and there was finally some action. Everyone who saw it that night was cheering for that. Tarantino is brilliant.
  15. #15

    Christopher Über Member Über Member

    Jun 18, 2005
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    Same here, he makes action films a whole lot more interesting than most of them out there.

    The man's a freakin' genius.

    Can't wait to see Grindhouse and more of his movies.
  16. #16
    Radox Redux

    Radox Redux Member

    Apr 7, 2007
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    What I meant to say is that he is different for the sake of it, regardless, of the effect it has on the movie. Even if something looks worse off, if the better option is the most different, then he'll go outta his way to do it, which IMO, makes him a weaker. Though saying that, I acknowledge, that he definatly has some of teh most noticable movies under his belt... But being noticable doesn't neccesarily mean being any good, but it will mean that people gather around and take note... Kinda like an orange cow that produce less milk.
  17. #17

    Dean LPA Addict LPA Addict

    May 8, 2004
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    If you're talking about how he arranges films, I disagree. With Pulp Fiction it works well because the scene used at the end actually wraps it up much better than if it was in chronological order because, firstly, it includes Jules' explanation of that Bible verse which the film, in my opinion, is based on, and, secondly, if you want you could call it a satire of buddy comedies and typical action films where everything works out in the end, when in Pulp Fiction it doesn't, for certain characters anyway. Then with Reservoir Dogs he uses flashbacks to build characters because if it was done in real time there wouldn't be room to do so in the setting.

    As for the violence, well, I know this point of view gets ripped to shreds all the time but it's just enjoyable if it's your bag. And the dialogue? Again, character building, and in some cases humour.

    I know his films can be pretty shallow but that isn't always a bad thing, and when he does get it right in terms of depth he's amazing.

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