Preview Clips Are Out!

Discussion in 'News' started by Omar, May 3, 2007.

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  1. HurQlez03

    HurQlez03 Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2004
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    Well. I heard these previews, and this is my opinion.

    Wake is - powerful intro but somewhat misleading with what the album has in store.

    Given Up - is a nice punk song, a spoon feed of past Linkin Park sound before reaching to the next track.

    Leave Out All The Rest - I'm sorry but this song reminds me too much of those bands signed by Victory Records (supposedly emo)

    Bleed It Out - sounds like a song the guys would sign in high school at a party.

    Shadow of the Day - A soft pop song, play on the radio everyday. It is difficult to make a song like this because it would sound like every other soft pop song on the radio.

    What I've Done - Already got it, good stuff.

    Hand Held High - A nice Shinoda song. Reminds me of "Toy Soldiers" by Eminem.

    No More Sorrow - A hard song! Sounds like a military song, the beating drum, the flailing guitar (sounds like jets flying over), political?

    Valentine's Day - Probably the most lyrical Chester song of the album. Hopefully it is more different than Shadow of the Day

    In Between - Shinoda sings! Sounds like those early 90s alternative songs where the singer sounds depressed and won't belt it anytime soon.

    In Pieces - Reggae sound? Hey I'll take it.

    The Little Things That Give You Away - It is only a piece of the 6 minute song, but I have faith in this being a good song.

    Overall I think this album is different than their last two. A little too different though. They quickly went from gravel to beach sand. And it takes me a while to accept the change. This reminds me of the new Chevelle album "Vena Sera", which is all heavy songs and not one soft song to lighten up.

    Anyway, I am just talking. If you hate my opinion don't bother telling me, I am not right.
  2. RememberingNever

    RememberingNever Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2004
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    Is this even Linkin Park? Did they need to change?
    I think Given Up, What ive done and bleed it out are the best songs oh and no more sorrow, maybe thats why they released them 1st.
    i miss the old lp boo to the 07 lp
  3. Derek

    Derek Administrator LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Gan, please have some respect. You almost ruined the whole album for me with spoilers. I had to close my eyes while editing out those lyrics.
  4. The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    chazzy said that Valentines Day was a great rock song, so we can assume that It will get heavier.
  5. The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    I'm sorry. But I did indeed give fair warning. lol its okay though. all is well.
  6. Detri

    Detri Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2003
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    Forget everything bad I've said about LP in the past few weeks. This album will redeem them.
  7. Andrea

    Andrea best friends. LPA Addicted VIP

    Dec 12, 2002
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    I'm following what Derek is doing. I wish people would shut up about the whole emo thing. Basing how everyone is saying they've gone soft doesn't mean they are emo. Nobody here knows what emo is...except maybe Franny (chris). I would value his opinion over anybody else's on the subject.
  8. NoMoreSorrow

    NoMoreSorrow Member

    May 1, 2007
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    I love it. I definitely think Linkin Park is trying to get back on the mainstream radio stations with this album, but i think the new style sounds great. Does anyone else think "Hands Held High" is sort of reminiscent of Eminem's "Like Toy Soldiers?"
  9. scorpionzezz

    scorpionzezz Member

    Mar 23, 2007
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    I love the 03. Leave Out All The Rest (Album Version)

    I think it will be good song :D
  10. Robot Man

    Robot Man Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2006
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    Yes, but it's far better. :D

    I'm really digging the lyrics for "Valentine's Day".
  11. The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    Question to Derek.. is there anywhere that I can post lyrics lol ? probally not
  12. Dean

    Dean LPA Addict LPA Addict

    May 8, 2004
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    Emo is a bullshit term. I remember a quote from either Cedric or Omar from The Mars Volta where they said any decent music involves real emotion, and most 'emo' bands can be defined as post-hardcore and pop-punk amongst other things.
  13. EagleMorph

    EagleMorph Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2007
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    Okay, a more in-depth review of the first impression of each track: what it sounds similar to, what intrigues me, what disappoints me, and what I expect form the full track.

    1. Wake - Definitely the new concert opener. Sounds like we come in towards the end in the clip. Very Muse/My Chemical Romance-esque. Very intrigued.

    2. Given Up - Sounds like the intro track moves right into this. Given Up is very metal, almost pure headbanger stuff. The clapping/jingle bells are a great touch. We've heard the whole song already, and I'm a fan.

    3. Leave Out All The Rest - Sounds like a new "My December" crossed with something soft from Lostprophets or even Taking Back Sunday. The strings are reminiscent of "Breaking the Habit." I definitely want to hear more.

    4. Bleed It Out - Clapping is back. Sounds like a cross between "Faint" and "There They Go" from Mike's Fort Minor project, especially the rapping. The pace and rhythm fits in perfectly with "There They Go," which also happens to be one of Mike's better pure rhythmic performances on The Rising Tied. I want more.

    5. Shadow of the Day - Snow Patrol-esque. I like Snow Patrol...but I don't know if this one will stick out for LP. More strings, which makes me believe that either Joe or Mike is keyboarding them live. Some U2 elements as well, especially in Chester's voice and Rob's drumming. I originally wasn't a fan, and it still might be a weaker song on the album, but it is catchy.

    6. What I've Done - taken care of already.

    7. Hands Held High - Cross between "Kenji," "Right Now," Ludacris' "Runaway Love," and Eminem's "Like Toy Soldiers." This could be one of Mike's best raps and one of the more political songs to come from LP, especially with the reference to bombs blowing up Mosques. I want much more.

    8. No More Sorrow - very Muse/MCR/AFI like. Heavy as all get-out. My favorite song out of the ones we've heard so far. Very much a fan.

    9. Valentine's Day - back to being Snow Patrol. Sounds too much like "Shadow of the Day". That disappoints me, but maybe the other portions of each song distinguishes them enough.

    10. In Between - disappointed. Sounds like NIN trying to do a straight ballad, instead of the usual weirdness, and that's not a good thing. Maybe it's just the section of the clip, but the first pure disappointment.

    11. In Pieces - Depeche Mode meets Muse meets I-Don't-Know-What. I don't know what to think. One of the more bizarre sounding songs, with a very techno feel to it. I need to hear more, but I'm not a fan on first listen.

    12. The Little Things Give You Away - You can hear the epic qualities of the song, and 30 seconds isn't enough to judge a six and a half minute song. I like the sound, but I need more.

    So a nice tantalizing effort from 7digital to give us a sneak peek, and while I think we're in for something special, there are some weak points on first listen. It won't be "Instant Classic" but maybe some of the individual songs will. One thing is certain: due to the new sound, we need to hear the whole album to judge. But there will be a lot of negative statements coming from fanboys who want the same cookie-cutter music.

    The thing about the album that intrigues me the most is the idea that while the music may change and LP may change, they might end up making better songs because of it. They won't be as hard or as raw as we're used to, but they will be longer lasting.
  14. Nosferatu

    Nosferatu Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2007
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    OMG!! That Bleed It Out clip has me 100% hooked. Overall this has to grow on me (but so did Meteora) but Bleed It Out, No More Sorrow, and shockingly Valentine's Day are the best tracks for me. In Pieces has a "get-go" feeling to it as well.
  15. EagleMorph

    EagleMorph Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2007
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    Korn changed their sound, their approach, and their overall content. They tried new things, went from nu-metal to pure metal/hard-rock. Limp Bizkit didn't change. They don't exist anymore. Korn and LP do.

    Korn's change was less drastic, but I don't think they have the ability to be as diverse as Linkin Park is musically. Jonathan Davis is pretty much the backbone of Korn, whereas all six members of LP are equally influential.
  16. Rosh

    Rosh Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2007
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    Deep internal struggle...should I listen to them or not?

    I compromised...listened to anything that has already leaked + Wake.
  17. Xodus

    Xodus Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2007
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    Good Lord, I told myself I wasn't going to listen to any clips but I've broken that rule so many times now.

    Seriously I nearly passed out and climaxed at once while listening to these songs. This album is going to be sick. I'm almost sad I listened to it before I bought it!
  18. Stakiman

    Stakiman Member

    May 2, 2007
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    All the songs were amazing! :) New LP style. :) Leave out all the rest is the best of all. ;)
    Last edited: May 3, 2007
  19. Pinkin Lark

    Pinkin Lark Prince of Persia.

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Wow they weren't lying about the change in their sound, they got WAYY too soft, and emo...not my style at all, but In Pieces has the most potential.
  20. EdGreene

    EdGreene Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2007
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    To the person who asked about the order of songs played in concert, they will probably do like NIN did on their last round of concerts and go hard, then soft, then hard again. And Bleed It Out seems like one of those songs where Rubin told them if the song sounded like it should be sung to go ahead and rap it, and vice-versa. Kick a** song though.
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