In the youtube video, For example, it is shown that students from Poland, Czech Republic, and South Korea are doing much better on average in comparison to the US, and which the listed countries have even less money. A example from Kansas City Schools. Two Billion Dollars more. Did It help? Olympic size pools, indoor track, Amazing computers for learning and all. The result: The schools did so poorly, they lost accreditation (Failing state standards) So obviously, money is not the issue. Spending per pupil has gone way up, However, Student Achivement (Reading, Math) Flat. Graduation rates, Flat. (no change essentially)
I'm talking about the schools and school systems that really want to teach kids. Find the systems that actually have good scores, and give them the money they need. To hell with everyone else. You do realize too, that this goes way back. Schooling's been going downhill since the 60s. Why? In part, because parents don't bother with teaching their kids anything, either. They figure it's the school's job. Sorry, my parents actually bothered to teach me things other than what the schools wanted to teach me. Most, if not all schools teach to the test. 4th grade proficiency. SAT. These things that we're being taught, it's only so we pass tests. If we were to cover everything we needed to learn, rather than having these pitiful classes that teach us just enough to pass a test, we wouldn't be doing so bad, would we? It's no wonder other countries think of us as stupid.
The problem with American public schools isn't financial at all. They're focus and priorities are completely out of touch. Like Iain said, schools waste valuable time and money prepping students for meaningless standardized tests that have no bearing on intelligence whatsoever. Instead of fostering creativity and engaging student with pertinent material, school boards nationwide decided we should all be well prepared for their stupid fucking tests. "Why let them think for themselves? They'd be so much happier as mindless robots!" High school sucks. I probably learned more sitting on my ass watching National Geographic than I ever did at my high school.
Okay. School systems that really want to teach kids, for sure is not the public education system. You seen how that child who could not read when he was 18, and the principle and the staff did absolutely nothing to help him. And I will tell you this goes on in many schools too. So we see that the public education system fails. right? Then what school system works? Charter schools work, Private schools work. Why? There is no lazy teachers, and if the school is bad OR the teachers are bad, parents may simply remove them and apply their child to a different school. Which means it is better to be able to choose the school you'd like to go to. This also brings up another point, Essentially, Vouchers, or attaching money to the students, rather than to the schools, is much better. Right? Thats what Vouchers are. And also, by the Teacher's Union Contracts, it's impossible to fire bad incompetent teachers, at the same time, prevents rewarding exellence.
I think this may should quite absurd to some but I think that maybe schools should ask students if they want to learn when they get to a certain grade, say when they first start High School. If they answer that they do want to learn, have another teacher ask them if they really want to learn. If they say that they do then, put them in classes that have the best teachers. For the ones who say they don't or are apathetic, you can't really make them want to learn. Put them in the worst classes, not kick them out of school altogether because there might come a time when they decide that they do in fact want to learn. After reading the quote from Jon Voight in there I am officially convinced that I will never ever watch another movie from this scumbag. I'm officially boycotting any further movies from him. Who's with me?
And in case you've ever wondered why Angelina Jolie doesn't go by the name Angelina Voight, there's your answer.
You really do have to wonder how someone as ugly and disgusting as him makes Angelina Jolie. She must've gotten her looks and brains from her mother
Now Public Now Public 2 SMH News AU Science and public policy org. PDF. Global warming, Still buying it? CO2 is the root of it all? Still buying it? edit: Middlebury Edit2: Korean website? That too. The more I look into this, the weaker the argument for CO2 causing global warming or being a contributor to it becomes. All I smell is filthy money out of this. >:[
I'm more or less neutral on whether much of climate change is anthropogenic, but that's quite a melodramatic, over-exaggerated article.
The point I'm trying to make about climate change is that it's just silly lies. I really do get upset. I mean, For one, When you get lied to, it sucks. When you get lied to, and it could cost you in more taxes. When you get lied to, and it could slow the recovery of the U.S Recession. When you get lied to, and it could mean higher food costs. When you get lied to, and it could mean a less green planet. It's true too. When you get lied to, like this, and the effects like that? Hmm... And it's okay no problem right? I mean penguins are all like super cool animals and all. But the Ice caps isn't an argument any longer. So okay. Might not cost you anything different. I understand. For Me, It's just people wanting to make a pretty penny over a lie. And they don't deserve it. It's corruption, it's lies, deciet and most of all, Rich people scamming the public while the middle class shrinks. It's all fishy and not cool. I know i sound really dramatic, but really. I'm just sick of people buying into global warming lie. People can do better. I can be told to cry more, but really, I will do believe we will all be crying soon with our wallets if we let this to continue. .... Don't say I didn't say so This too, btw.
Well alot of Americans form Ideas from mainstream media. Be it Liberal or Conservative. It's just pure shit, both of them.
I agree with you as far as the first half of your post is concerned. I don't agree with you past that, but let's take that out of the equation for a moment while I explain the point I was trying to make: besides that article I've seen a few people out of what's probably many exaggerating the significance of that news. My point was that in the grand scheme of things those emails probably don't account for very much, and even then, you do have to consider them in their original context. People shouldn't presume that this news discredits much by itself because it doesn't, but unfortunately I've already seen it being sensationalised quite a bit (kind of ironic when it's coming from people who criticise the other side for doing the same thing).
Ohh okay. Well it, it kinda does matter, as the emails prove that its just a big hoax. I can see your point on how both sizes are being sensationalized to the max. I've always had to battle this because if I didn't, or no one did, a lot of not-cool things would happen. Considering them in their original text, conversations between most levels of the pro-climate change community, it is fishy that they would need to cover up science, use lies, exaggerate, or just bag on any opposing opinions. I mean, if it were so true, then why not just expose all of the science, and don't lie, or be open to criticisms and opinions that don't follow through with yours?