01. Hybrid Bacon 02. Baconteora 03. Minutes to Bacon 04. A Thousand Bacons 05. Living Bacons 06. The Bacon Party 07. Bacon Everywhere
Album title: LIES OF THE DAMNED 1. Behind Your Lies 2. Victimized By Your Lies 3. Lying from Lies 4. Lying All The Same (ft. Chino Moreno) 5. LIES LIES LIES: The LIES Experience 6. I've Lied To You 7. Shadow Of Your Lies 8. A Thousand Lies 9. No More Lies 10. How Many Lies 11. Cure for the Lies (ft. DJ Lethal) 12. Give Me Back My Lies 13. A LIE THAT NEVER COMES BONUS: 14. Liar Liar Pants On Fire 15. Final Masquerade (live) 16. 26 Liez in da Alphabet sorrynotsorry Not gonna lie kappa, I'd actually listen to that.
One of the meanings of masquerade is living or acting under false pretenses. In other words, living a lie.
Why do I want this? Linkin Park The Hybrid Meteora 1. Backward 2. Please Stay (Ft. Emo Artist) 3. I Found Where I Belong (Ft. Non-Drug Addicted Eminem) 4. Telling The Truth To You 5. Hit The Door 6. Harder To Walk (Ft. Inspiring Adele Hook) 7. Screaming Vocal Permanent Burnout (This song will be certified classic. Chester realizes he's sold out as LP did obviously and just screams for 5 minutes until he can't sing no more. The Grand Finale for LP's career) 8. Generic Radio Song For The Kids 9. Cookie-Cutter Rap-Rock Song That You Will All Act Like You Hate But You Always Low Key Enjoy 10. Mr. Hahn's 2 Minute Instrumental That Basically Sums Up The Fact He Contributes To A LP Song once Every 2-3 Years 11. Obvious Ballad Track 12. So Damn Numb
Title of the album:Violent Lullaby Songs: 1.Blowing Bubbles 2.26 Lettaz In Da Alphabet ft.Unknown Rapper 3.Fiki Pudding 4.Unicorns and Lollipops 5.The Wizard Song ft.Gandalf 6.The Ponies and Me 7.Pictureboard ft.Mark Wakefield and Chester's Lip Ring 8.Shake Your Booty Hoe(Shinodaconda) 9.I'm Brad And I Like Cats 10.The Friendship Hymn 11.Linkin' In The Park 12.Rhinestone Part 2 ft.Katy Perry 13.The Mothafuckin' Heavy Song Of The Album 14.My Socks 15.The Team 16.Explode ft.Michael Bay B-Sides: 1.An unreleased Meteora demo without vocals,guitar,drums,turntables and bass 2.Rhinestone Part 3 3.Rhinestone Part 4 4.Pictured Board 5.Rhinestone Part 5 6.Headstrong
01. Feel My Body (ft. Justin Bieber) 02. Doors (ft. Rihanna) 03. Remember What I Say (ft. Scott Koziol) 04. Same Mistake (ft. J.LO) 05. Amsterdam (ft. Fall Out Boy 06. Lick My Spark (ft. M&M) 07. Qwerty (folk version) 08. My December (Nu Metal version) 09. Pshycho (ft. Muse) 10. The Final Song (ft. Daddy Yankee) Rolling Stones review: 11 out of 10 / MASTERPIECE /
If you're not hitting the door WHILE cuddling the ceiling to Meteora 2, you ain't an LP fan obviously
It would be cool if LP did all their song titles in latin like this: 1) Invicta 2) Carpe Noctem 3) Memento Mori 4) Vox Populi 5) Amor Vincit Omnia 6) De Facto 7) Ad Infinitum 8) Circa 587 AD 9) Requiescat in Pace 10) Curriculum (Instrumental Track) 11) Terra Incognita
Damn, that would be so cool. Not sure if it would fit (what apoears to be) the style of the new album, though... I could see this being the tracklist of another A Thousand Suns-style neo-proggish/experimental album.