So is the album really coming out on the 19th or 20th anywhere? Like a 100% bc im seeing several places that its not??
I don't know about the 19th, but it comes out in Japan on the 20th for sure. Which for the rest of the world is basically the 19th because of the time difference.
They release their cds on Wednesdays? Weird...damn then definitely no leak until Tuesday or Wednesday then
Dude, BID drums aren't real??? whats the suprise, Linkin Park always used loops and drum machines , on HT a lot of the percursion is drum machines (for example Crawling). On this song, nothing has changed they still make the fusion between the acoustic drums and the machines. Check LPTV BID making of, Rob recorded . And BID , is a great song, not much guitar and still has that Big Vibe Intense feeling (mainly maded by the Bass (which appears with distortion) and the 4 different keyboard lines on the song. Congrats LP, until now Living Things sounded awesome (BID,Lies Greed Misery -i mean). Even Little Things Give You Away as a drum machine at the start. Just saying,
How you people think you have the ability to determine when a leak is going to come out is beyond me. A leak is not any sort of official release, it's an illegal and unwarranted version of the album. If it leaks, it'll happen when somebody manages to get their hands on it and spread it out to the internet, which could literally be from this very second until the actual album comes out.
ATS leaked 9 days before the release date (September 14th), so 26-9=17, so at lest it will leak June 17, this week the leak will be here no matter what , doesnt matter if its today or sunday, it will be. my father comes home June 23, and he is passing through japan. That means LT (JAPANESE EDITION-BONUS TRACKS) will be mine that day!! that's why i love Japan (and of course the MANGA,Anime Culture)
Whoaa reallly!? Is that how it happens?? Had no idea lol...its not about knowing the specific date but there is definitely a pattern as to "when" someone will be able to get their hands on it or leak it...and plus it is not often or ever at all that major releases leak on 10.ya cant
hm...yeah...i like burn it down... and i also like LGM a looot but just compare the sound of the drums in the early songs with the songs from living things... it just doesn't sound soo natural ...and that's the only thing i don't like on the new songs
Pretty sure it leaked on the 7th 7 days before the US release and 1 day before the release in australia so my guess is Tuesday
Just heard them all on YouTube, and I'll Be Gone Sounds fucking awesome, but Chester sound like.. kinda autotuned! Love the new direction the bands taking, a mixture of Techno Funk Shit and Heavy Rock and Rap, awesome.
You like Japan just because of anime? Not the cuisine, architecture, history, art, fashion, music, sports, or cinema? Just cartoons?
I don't think he's "trolling". I thought he was just talking about the 1 second Chester vocal on the I'LL BE GONE clip...
How the fuck did you think it happens? LP deciding to put them on the internet without telling anyone?