Lil' old me with a haircut.
Marj, Dean, Daniel, everyone, you all look amazing. I haven't posted pictures in a while, so here goes. I just realized that I look slightly insane a lot of the time, by the way. The Slip... badly redone. Johnny Rotten? JohnnyNotten I pwn Tom Cruise.
Vasiab you're looking great!! Me and Heidi at Christmas - omg! My lips are blue! Me and Heidi at Christmas again - damn it's a bit blurry and I was a bit drunk
Me with the guys from Safetysuit (fucking blur! The wrong camera setting was on =() Their music: [youtube]f88jpWMm6eE[/youtube]
This picture = epic win. I like it better than the original, I do. And there's something really cool about you, man. Nice pictures. Marj: You look awesome "going out". =] Daniel: I like your "almost" smile, lol. ^^ Derek: Niiice!
Thanks Iain. Long time no see. You're looking great, by the way. Derek, damn you lucky bastard. Sarah, looking good as per usual. And thanks Mar.
I actually tried growing out a mustache, but as you can see there (even though it isn't a stache but a camera error) lip hair just doesn't look quite right on me .
*Actually lol's* Okayyyy, sooo, I'm very behind in posting compliments. Marj: You are SO beautiful! You just have such a perfect face. Daniel: Gah, just jump through the screen dammit!! <3 Derek: Daaaayum, you look really good hun. Love the pea coat. Iain: I haven't seen your cute face in so long! Verrry cute. Sarah: Haha, drunken pictures and blue lips. Very nice. Where do you live? Tank tops, outside, on Christmas? No Ace Just You: Your hair looks GREAT! I absolutely love it! Nick: You guys are just so lovable. I get all smiley when I see you two together. vasiab: You look absolutely desirable, dear. <3
Wow thanks guys! I'm planning to get some new clothes for the new year (since I've lost a decent amount of weight) and when I finally get around to that I'll take pics =).
So many pictures! Marj, Sarah, Vasia and Aisha are gorgeous! Daniel is smiling ! Nick and his Lexi are so cute. <3 No Ace, Just You has amazing eyes. Derek looks really cute! == I took this one on Saturday, but I was too lazy to post it.
Penny - it looks like you're giving head to a snowman lol. Grego - Awww. Aisha - You look gorgeous as ever!