When you're high out of your god damn mind like [thumb]http://i.imgur.com/o1vy8Yu.jpg[/thumb] I joke, I joke, I keed, I keed.
Haven't posted in here in awhile lol. Mohawk is long gone EDIT: ugh it's sideways, not sure why my phone thought that was appropriate
I saw Starset on Sunday and met the band again. I'm loving this band. They were all really cool dudes. [thumb]https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/12049555_10154655448517588_5733379553607491632_n.jpg?oh=f9b1af25782ec14143bf240c7c667a81&oe=569F6071[/thumb][thumb]https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/12046758_10154655448642588_1825229010075816717_n.jpg?oh=36281d74ff4645585b977e930fa2d93b&oe=56A35974[/thumb][thumb]https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/12032991_10154655448787588_777537494928138449_n.jpg?oh=00f06b959f485510c1d808e4ab1db638&oe=56A9626F[/thumb][thumb]https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xat1/v/t1.0-9/12027507_10154655448827588_7404051849306762201_n.jpg?oh=d0bc02ee1e50d8cf93ab2338baf4fdd7&oe=56A4773F[/thumb]
This be me with Enter Shikari. [thumb]http://i.imgur.com/ut88mTA.jpg[/thumb] This be a poster Enter Shikari give me and sign. [thumb]http://i.imgur.com/WXT4m7q.jpg[/thumb] Idk how much you can tell but it's pretty huge. /thatswhatshesaid
He was definitely the least approachable there but he also seemed out-of-his-mind tired, which is more than understandable when you're about to do your seventh show in seven days. He didn't stirke me as a douchebag at all. Chris and Rory were very nice and answered all questions, and Rob was just awesome. He was also very visibly tired, but he was the funniest and most approachable of the bunch. Anyway, they struck me as a bunch of guys who are really nice but are currently barely standing on their feet. So it's really incredible they put on such a high energy show.
It's a duck face pic. Just for you guys. (Idk. I feel horrible about it). Also. I can't fucking rotate it