[THUMB]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/246803_448074161904034_1922330179_n.jpg[/THUMB] (Apologies for the quality of the picture, I stole the top hat off some dude at a pub and my friend had to take a photo quick before the dude caught up with me) EDIT: Why the dick am I apologizing? Deal with it
Pidg, you don't need to use attachments every time you want to post pictures. You can use tags, like , or [thumb] to make a picture smaller. Just put the URL to the image between the tags and post. That way you don't have to delete attachments every once in a while.
Thanks guys "The Gentleman!" is actually what I said seconds before the photo was taken Yeah I'm 19, Melis Everyone always says that! The 'older' bit, that is.
1: Amanda and I at the Summit in Camden 2: Me doing the best impression I can do of a cast member in the hit reality show, Jersey Shore