Nick: Aww..She's a belle She looks like Michelle Williams and you look good together! esaul17: Lookin' good as usual. :] Aisha: Pretty as always! <3 _____________________________ My 4 mos. old nephew Dirk Ianzee Yeah! We're fans of the Mavericks!Hehe [Last 5 girls standing:L-R]Hya, Mafie, Che, Me and Rose: Yesterday, we had our Oath Taking ceremony and we're just busy talking...tsk..tsk..
Fuck, this is going to be a long reply. haha. Really cute It looks like you were having a lot of fun! You're a manly man now I gotta say, that's really interesting. Yes. Yes. YES. You too look very cute together and you're looking good too. HAWT. NOM YUM NOM YUM. haha. Yes, I concur. ----------------------------------------------- Line break. [thumb][/thumb] You can't tell but for some reason I was wearing mascarra. lol' What? [thumb][/thumb] Awkward smile? [thumb][/thumb] I fucking hate snow [thumb][/thumb] [thumb][/thumb] but it can't help to love me. :/ kiss? NO it's a trap. okay. now, that you're dead.. we can continue our normally scheduled programming
one of the best daysin my soo happy: (oh and yes..1st row ftw again!) (got pictures taken of brandon, elias, POOCH! of me..and group picture ) Me after the AWESOME 30 seconds to mars concert...(i love setlists!) (Ive been to a skindred concert the night before = tired + lateral ligament injury) but im allright! [EDIT] i met the band skindred before (had an interview with them) and look who took my cap for one song and gave it back to me
No I've been to the show in Amsterdam. I got way close, but you got much closer and on the same height
LPA LPU March Madness Contest Winner As requested by Derek here is a picture of me with my Prizes from the LPA LPU March Madness Contest.