@Selene Looking very cute @Nick, the short hair is awesome. Somehow it makes you look older Thanks. And it's really nice! Thanks but.. no I'm not haha. Haha. Awesome pics. And she is really cute. Those pics were awesome --- And now I don't smile a lot but I always look pretty dumb. Said "I don't smile a lot but I always look pretty dumb" But at least it's all in good fun Don't let her fool ya, she's evil.
Revisited an old hairstyle (sorry Arlene ) with some extra surprises: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v311/carved_in_black/100_5770.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v311/carved_in_black/100_5750.jpg
Lookin' good, Derek. Nice 5-string, by the way. What kind is it? And do I see the extended version of The Fellowship Of The Ring on your bed?
Incorrect. It's the Godfather Parts 1, 2 & 3. And the bass is an Ibanez SR 305. Discontinued (according to my bass teacher who's in love with my bass), although you can still get it online through guitar manufacturers.
I see that box for the Pedal. Bastard, but I bought some things as well, I told you about. I got them today and they sound great.
Derek: Haha, as much as I don't like it usually, it actually looks pretty decent. The cute face helps.
NYC http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs035.snc1/4325_78253509538_618519538_1677017_1633863_n.jpg http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs035.snc1/4325_78253504538_618519538_1677016_6555465_n.jpg http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs035.snc1/4325_78254529538_618519538_1677019_5439771_n.jpg http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs035.snc1/4325_78254539538_618519538_1677021_7737489_n.jpg
Haha that's the thing, I still don't know what I wanna do. I'm on a kind of student exchange program, so I'm currently living and working in NYC, but I also want to go visit other places. But then again, NYC is so good that I don't wanna leave it. I have some friends in Chicago and Miami so I'll probably go at least there. Btw, Manhattan is the best place on the Earth.
Finally, a picture I like of myself If I see Star Trek tonight, i'm wearing this shirt. Behold, a small fragment of my poster covered room
Dusan: Awesome pictures! I think it's funny that I live in New York, and I've never seen the Statue of Liberty. Nick: Haha, the Star Wars shirt idea made me chuckle. You're very cute. <3
@Daniel: OMFG! GILRFRIEND IS CUTE! enough said . Awh, I'm happy for you, she's really really pretty! What a lucky and good looking couple! @Cam: You're adorable, sweetheart <3 @Nate: You're so awesome lol. Your girlfriend is pretty too! @Derek: I like the hair actually, and I really love your sunglasses, they are really edgy <3 The bass is kick-ass'. I'd love to see you play it! @Dusan: Errrr.. I have a crush on you now? haha, lol. I hope you enjoyed America! @Jesse: You're really cute dear! @Dean: Hah, you're still my sexy man though!
Gracias de todos. I didn't know that so many people in the states speak spanish, I'm gonna be fluent by the time I get home.