....*slaps self* I had the Lion King in another window, didn't post it but mixed up the title. o.o Lemme post it! Jungle Book The Lion king It's the same wagon though
I'm not sure who but you remind me of someone in those pictures. In any case, you look beautiful as always.
Wow it's been a fair while since I posted in this thread lol. Nate, looking good dude. Nice find too haha. Kayce, about time you posted some pics. Nice, too. And I heart your glasses. Derek: That's awesome. Aisha and Marj both look stupidly stunning, as always. <3 ------------------------ Caution, ridiculously high angle Myspace shot. Aren't we just the scenest little couple you've ever seen? <3 Let me know if anyone's getting sick of me uploading photos with Darcy.
<3 I am loving the red lipstick. NEVARRRRR. <3 You both have sexy hair. Indeed it has! Nice picture Kayce
@ Dean: You still look awesome though @ Marj: Wonderful pictures! @ Chris(tmas): Yeah you look uber tall. How tall are you exactly? Two new pics from me: