Discussion in 'Serious Chat' started by withnoapologies, Jan 27, 2004.

  1. #21
    Omar A

    Omar A Beyond Science LPA Super Member

    Jul 9, 2003
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  2. #22

    Shade Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2003
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    I could spend an entire day writing about all the horrible things Bush has done, and how much I know he's an ####### but I have to write an english paper too so I'll sum up the major points.

    1. Bush lies to the people on a daily basis and hasn't been impeached; makes sense since Clinton was impeached for personal affairs and Bush has killed thousands of civilians...oh wait.

    2. He made a preemptive strike against a weak 3rd world nation under the banner of 'fighting terrorism' and 'getting rid of weapons of mass destruction'.
    A. as for fighting terrorism he somehow linked the Iraqis and Saddam to 9/11, which they had nothing to do with and what better definition of terrorism than a huge superpower dropping bombs on a bunch of people with huts.
    B. Weapons of mass destruction. Yeah boy, go get 'em Bush. After all we all know now how many weapons have been found, oh wait zippo. Hell even the CIA told Bush that there wasn't any intelligence over 10 years old that suggested they had anything. Meanwhile we have North Korea threatening to turn the US into a 'sea of fire' and building up a massive nuclear weapons program. After all we can't trust these 'terrorists' with nuclear weapons, only us good americans are allowed to have them. We're 'responsible' after all, and would never do anything like bombing helpless countries...oops.

    3. In the meantime Bush has decided that Americans don't need civil liberties anymore so he passed the Patriot Act, whcih allows the government to peer into the private lives of any American whenever they damn well please.

    4. Bush has managed to take the best economy ever and turn it into the hugest #### pile of all time. 7 Trillion Dollors in debt, with a 580 billion dollar deficit. Damn that's fiscal spending if I've ever seen it... Oh wait we have a war going on, we should expect such deficits. After all World War II wasn't that big of a deal and didn't have nearly the deficit we have now. Maybe the deficit has something to do with the taxcuts he passed so that he could give tons of money to the big corporations who have put him into power all his life. Just to make sure he had enough money for the taxcuts he also decided it would be a good idea to wipe out social security, no one uses that anyways.

    Wow, written too much already. Better stop, too easy to get carried away while writing about the son of a female dog.
  3. #23

    slammer800 Banned

    Dec 19, 2003
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    Why the hell is politics talked about on a music bands forumns.
  4. #24

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    You obviously have no concept of a forums. That's exemplified in almost all of your threads, they're posted where they're not supposed to be. To make things more comprehensible for you:

    Linkin Park Chat -> Stuff about Linkin Park, non-album oriented, non-tour related.
    Albums ->Stuff about albums. Meteora threads go in the Meteora forums, whereas non-album threads go in the Non-Album forums.
    Around the World -> Stuff about Linkin Park's tours. Anything about tours concerning LP goes in here.

    Random Chat -> Game threads, joke threads.
    Serious Chat -> Discussion threads
    Other bands -> Threads about bands other than Linkin Park.
    Kick-back Cafe -> Concerning entertainement (movies/tv/video games)
    Artists Gallery -> Art goes in here.
    Coders Area -> Website building questions and answers.
    Test Zone -> Test posts (is my signature working? can i type right?)

    Feedback -> Any feedback on this website.

    These forums are on a Linkin Park website, yes. But it would get boring talking about Linkin Park all day. That's why forums like these exist, so people can discuss anything they want as long as it abides by the rules. If you think everything should be just for Linkin Park, then how does peer pressure have to do with Linkin Park? Nothing. :)
  5. #25

    cellardoor Banned

    Jan 28, 2004
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    Im tellin you all the Government is a conspiracy. mmabye not completley but i bet there are lots of areas in government that are all lies and deciet. i believe that the government is a conspiracy
  6. #26

    Todd FLǕGGȦ∂NKđ€ČHIŒβǾLʃÊN LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Bill Clinton lies about getting a blow job from his intern and nearly gets kicked out of office. Bush lies about an entire country and makes up stuff about their nonexistant stash of weapons. This leads to a war where countless American soldiers have died and even more innocent civilians lost their lives. Yet, Bush is looked upon as a god by so many people, its sickening. He'll never get punished for his lies, all he'll get is re-elected (hopefully not) so he has 4 more years to make some bullshit up and attack another country.
  7. #27

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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  8. #28

    Shade Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2003
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    Yeah those are great, I saw them a few weeks ago. They never get old. :D
  9. #29

    Methybrea Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2003
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    I am against Bush, and his neo-conservative back-benchers who did this to eliminate their looming oil supply problems and keep the Petroleum companies racking in the profits. Even though they could look for other sources of energy (and implement them) that are renewable, they choose the short-sighted path. I'm sorry for all you Americans who are against this and have to put up with Bush. This is a perfect example of the corruptness of capitalism and the economy. Not to say I'm a commie (those gov'ts basically turn into facist states) but there are different options out there.

    By the way:

    1. With what Bush spends on the Iraq war, he could supply free-medicare to the US for one whole year and more...

    2. The US gov't (Bush Sr, included) supplied Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, among others, with arms, nukes, and millions in funding.

    3. Why were no fighter/interceptots in the skies over Washington on 9/11 when they had one hour's notice of planes highjacked and headed for NY and Washington? If they didn't have 9/11 then they wouldn't have pretext to start any 'War on Terrorism'.

    Theres my 3 cents...The world is just plain ugly today sometimes :chemist:
  10. #30

    Jae Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2003
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    I think Bush is a total failure to our country. I dont want to go into detail cause it makes me angry to see what our country could have accomplished if we didnt have him as president. The war with Iraq was a complete waste of time and money. I walked out of school when they sent attacks to Iraq. That was pretty fun. Im glad a lot of people walked out. But anyways, he is a crappy president. He wants go build colonies on the moon, Take over a 3rd world country, allow immigrants in the country, give tax cuts to the rich, who have jobs and lots of money. Notice how he dosent do much that supports the Middle Class and Poor people in America, and its more of them than the rich. My Sister, Uncle, and Aunt have lost their jobs or have been laid off. My sister was working at a steady job until they "Out Sourced". She lost her job in 2003. Now she's filing bankruptcy. My uncle a factory worker at Nabisco gets laid off like every 2 months. They're goin broke too. Not to mention all the people in chicago without heat and water. But people in iraq are gonna get a whole new frickin country. !??!?!? We need a president thats going to focus on OUR country, not mexico, iraq, japan. You worry about ur home before you go and try to fix others. AND IF ANY COUNTRY/CONTINENT NEEDS FIXING IS FRICKIN AFRICA?!?! Those people suffer every single day and they get almost ignored!! That Oprah program really opened my eyes.. But anyways, enough with this, im gonna burst if i type anymore...

    EDIT: 1 more thing, havent these dumb "officials" realized that the terrorists dont have to be here to attack us??? All they have to do is send a threat and theres another 20-50 million on security. They keep this up for a year, its gonna hurt the economy!!! I wish i could immigrate to another planet, or maybe japan, u hardly ever hear about them in the news.. cept for sars..
  11. #31

    Nikki I have no idea what is going on LPA Super Member

    Aug 12, 2002
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    Yeah I'm going to have to jump into this - basically becauyse of what not only he has done but because of making our 'Prime Minister' Tony Blair do.

    Tony has basically licked Bush's balls for the past three/fours years. Crippled our economy (along with America's) and has basically forced us to send a large group of Britain's men and women to their deaths.

    Meh I'm off to dinner now :)D) so if I can be arsed, I'll go into a bit more detail.
  12. #32

    LinkinTheory Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2003
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    Honestly, i've not much of an opinion. I can barely excersize these so called "freedoms" that millions of people in the past 200 years have died for. I was born in America. I live in America. I've lived in America for everday of my life, except for like three or four. But freedom? Doesn't mean #### to me. Because i don't have it. Frankly, i could care less who's the next president. America is becoming more and more screwed up everyday. I mean, if my neighbor's dog takes a dump in my lawn, i can sue him for a million dollars. is that f*cked up or what? Whoever our next president is, he won't fix anything. If anything, he can stop the worsening. But i doubt it. I'm all for freedom, don't get me wrong. But "freedom" seems to have less and less to do the United States of America. "Freedom" is the last thing in our government's mind.
  13. #33

    LornVourkolakas About To Blow Chunks

    Aug 14, 2003
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    I just read a article that Bush doesn't want any gay couples around. And what's funny is he says everyone should be equal, blah blah blah. How can he honestly believe that, if he doesn't accept gay marriage? I don't get it.
  14. #34

    Anya Lost LPA Super VIP

    Aug 20, 2003
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    Bush should rot and die in hell. :argh:
  15. #35

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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  16. #36

    LornVourkolakas About To Blow Chunks

    Aug 14, 2003
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    Lol. Kind of makes sense that Bush is nominated for something Hitler is for too. :p *Votes for Hitler*
  17. #37

    withnoapologies Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2003
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    i love you.... that was beautiful.
  18. #38

    Crazy.Desperate.Insane Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2003
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    I wish I could participate in your discussion but I am pretty much preoccupied with our country's politics. Elections will be on May. Many political hypocrites are campaigning. Damn them.
  19. #39

    J-Flex Ambient

    Oct 23, 2003
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    you can say everything bad about Bush but he wants to protect his people...
    and this is what Saddam have done to his people
  20. #40

    Shade Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2003
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    Oh yeah, I forgot, eye for an eye still runs the world.

    No one disagrees that Saddam is an #######. Does that justify us going in and bombing tons of innocent civilians? Oh wait he had weapons of mass destruction...dope no he doesn't. But he COULD have. Wow, imagine that. Let me pose a question.

    What nation 'couldn't' have nuclear weapons? I bet damn near any third world nation could scrounge up some way of getting them. So maybe the US should go and bomb every other country in the world too? Right? Oh wait no we're only bombing the ones that COULD have them that are full of 'terrorists'. What do you think the Iraqi people who have lost their entire families to US bombs and are now setting off car bombs to kill US troops think of america? Wouldn't we seem like terrorists to them killing off their husbands, wives, and children?

    Oh excuse me, this is fair payback for 9/11, seeing as Iraq had all of nothing to do with it. But we MUST protect our country, against people who MIGHT attack us with weapons they MAY obtain. Wow sounds like paranoia and cowardice to me. Oh wait cowardice has been deemed patriotism, just as Preemtive Strikes against 3rd World Nations have been deemed fair game.

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