I was suffering from a psychotic disorder (Schizophrenia) and It really bothers me and when I ask my doctor, she said that listening to a song can help me to get through it. Can you recommend any songs? I prefer chill or sad songs.
I dont know if i understand your definition of chill. But i would recommend the Wish You Were Here Album by Pink Floyd.
Lately, I feel even better after reading this, https://www.who.int/westernpacific/...in-mental-health-during-the-covid-19-pandemic. It enlightened me in some ways and I find it very helpful especially in my case. ~Well anyway, Thanks for your thoughts and I really appreciate it.
I love this and I am a die-hard fan of Hoobastank! How about you, astatine? Is this already your favorite or you have anything else?
Actually, it is just one of my favorites Who cares if one more light goes out in a sky of a millions stars?
Yeah, I also know a little about it that listening to music improves mood with a reduction in anxiety, isolation, pain, and stress in patients with schizophrenia. Hope all is well with you. God speed.
Hello! I have schizophrenia as well! I have so many songs to recommend. I will say tho that if you aren't feeling well stay away from songs with words and write poetry! If you want to follow me on Twitter I'm @Dragondust75 I post songs all the time!
Thank you for your advice, I'll check you out on Twitter. That's why I'm looking for songs that you listen to...maybe I can give them a try and like them.