They've made one mistake: making this project about the new song. Whether they themselves have the blame for that, or the fans, I'll leave the answer to that question up to you.
Aah, I was so hyped for the 12th, thinking it will be just like 8-bit Rebellion and we'd have the song by the end of the day. Right.
I went to the county competition in Maths and did fairly good. THAT'S how good Croatia's future is looking right now.
So the game is talking about how we use too much energy and the need for alternative fuels.....SO we decide to spend hours on our computers to play a game that requires month to finish. How's that teaching us about renewable energy and conservation of wastes?
It seems as though we are indeed beginning to receive some extra help. The numbers are increasing much quicker as of this post.
With higher levels, you get higher rewards, I guess. Still, Mike said it will take a week or two to get it done. Although his prediction was 4 weeks.
I remember I was listening to a Louis CK interview when he was talking about managing his website. He explained that when people purchased one of his stand-up specials, there would be an option during checkout to subscribe to an email list. Louis CK had it set so the default answer was "do not subscribe," meaning people who joined his mailing list would have to manually click "yes." This was to ensure that anyone receiving these emails actually wanted them. Months later, Louis CK sent out one email (the only email he had sent during that time), announcing a new tour. He expected a positive response, but he said about 3,000 people unsubscribed immediately. Long story short: People are flakey and weird and internet/social media numbers can be misleading. I realize this has nothing to do with the game. whoops. it's a shame they're using pay to play options and that it isn't going very well.
Okay definitely complete the basecamp missions and definitely upgrade your character. The game becomes about 1000 more fun when you do that.
Please don't spread links/downloads of copyrighted music on this site as it's against the forum rules and you will be banned. Thanks.
Hm...took me about 30 sec to find the leak on the web ahah. It's legit. The song is fun, but if you have heard the previously released snippets, there isn't much surprise anymore. Still, a cool song!