Hi, I mean, everyone has a solo in the band live, don't forget yourself Phi! Brad has all the solo's in like In Pieces and The Little Things. Rob has the drum solo in the middle of Bleed It Out. Mike has Hands Held High. Joe has Cure For The Itch Chester has songs like Pushing Me Away to show what he can do with his beautiful voice and Qwerty and Faint to show what he can do with his angry voice. Phoenix, write a bass solo. NOW. -Fleur
Anything could fit with their music lately. MTM was so diverse. I never thought a guitar solo would fit, but it did, so a bass solo probably could as well.
I think Phi should play the start of the bridge on his bass instead of brad on guitar. he could extend it and go from there.
One step at a time. To hear Phi sing live was so awesome. They will realize that Phi is a vital member of the band.
word. "wake" was enough. while i would've liked a bass solo on MTM to begin with, in hindsight, it wouldn't have fit anywhere too well.
And the drum solo in Bleed it Out dosn't slow the song down? Yes it does but it's still awesome. Fuck if it slows it down, I mean look at it this way: 1. The bridge in Given Up begins as it always does just with bass instead of guitar. 2. It develops into a 20 second bass solo with only drums in the background. 3. Breakdown. 4. Chester screaming his longs out and rest of bridge. That would be very powerfull in my opinion.