I love Linkin Park, and my peak was probably when Meteora came out. Like 4 months after that, I got tired of LP and I searched for new music. I’m more into the new music now, but only because it’s new, when LP releases a new album, I’ll be all over it. And in a way, I feel LP is selling out slowly, as that other guy (or gal) said. It’s not them, its the type of people who like LP, teenies, and people who don’t understand what the music is about.... It makes the music bad for me because I don’t want to be associated with those types of people… If I offended you, I apologize, but that’s the way I feel.
Fans don't determine whether a band is selling out or not. As for a peak, I'm a co-administrator of one of the biggest LP fansites around. There is no ceiling for me, and if there was, I'd leave. Granted, I don't think "Meteora" was the greatest, but it didn't make me like LP any less or lose interest. I know they can do better and all I have to do is have faith. They're very talented and I'm sure they can please me and all the other hardcore LP fans if they try hard enough. Ask me again after the next album.
wait i thought you were an administrator I don't see a banner under your name that says co-administrator
erm eversince i heard papercut on the radio after buying the albumn... then it went up further when i saw them in manchester, and its still goin
probably when i bought the hybrid theory cd, about 2 years ago. i had heard from the guy i liked that they were good, so i bought the cd. the only song i knew was 'in the end', but i quickly learned the rest, in cluding the drum and guitar beats. ive been a HUGE FANN ever since. <3 :chaz:
I'm the same way. I still love LP because I have a lot of happy memories tied to their music, and they really did get me looking for more music, but my tastes have changed a lot since I first started listening to them, and still are actually. My peak would have been in mid-to-late 2001, around the time I got HT to mid 2002.
there's 5 administrators. i share the administrator position with 5 people. that makes me a co-administrator. and there's no difference anyways.
i dont think i could really say until i stop liking them which will b devastating cuz i will only stop liking them wen they split up and that will be terrible i really like them at the moment so i could say now but i dont know what will happen in the future i think that when i eventually get to see them in concert and meet them i will be totally drowning in linkin park
i think ever since i fully understood Lp's lyrics and wat they are doing ive been completely loving them. and that wont change. i dont think they are selling out, i mean yesterday i walked into my brother's room and he was watching Romeo, a Nickalodeon show with Lil Romeo in it, and i said "thats when u know someone is selling out" So until they have a tv show, or do product commercials, they arent selling out. sure theyve been more commercial, but doesnt every band do that when they have wat LP has? And I think that is due to WB. So it isnt LP's fault
lol Hybrid Shampoo its a shampoo and conditioner in one, every wash takes you one step closer to silky hair thats not going to break lol
lol Hybrid Shampoo its a shampoo and conditioner in one, every wash takes you one step closer to silky hair thats not going to break lol [/b][/quote] in the end you have to buy it at your nearst lying from you shop
lol Hybrid Shampoo its a shampoo and conditioner in one, every wash takes you one step closer to silky hair thats not going to break lol [/b][/quote] I remember once on the AFI MB, someone said they wouldn't call AFI sellouts until they saw Davey on a McDonald's commercial saying "The new McVeggie Mac warms the darkness of my soul!" This thread just made me think of that... I don't see how LP are selling out. They aren't any more commercial now then they were when HT came out.
I used to listen to LP religiously but now I think it's kind of died down. That's not because I don't like them anymore (I'm still hooked in fact), it's just that my enthusiasm has rather waned after Meteora came out. So I'd say my peak is whenever I hear Hybrid Theory being played. That album is sheer amazing and will always remind me of why I love LP in the first place.
it started when I saw the In The End video, somewhere in January 2001. I liked it so much, and as soon as possible I went to buy a portable CD player, and Hybrid Theory after it I talked soooo much about them and their music that it sometimes drove people crazy , esspecially my classmates who liked to make fun of LP, but finally some of them came to their sences and some of 'em actually like LP now. I'm still wearing my LP sweater, my LP armlet and my LP pendant as much as I can,and I have even dedicated my backpack to them (I used to have an official LP backpack but although I was uttermost carefully with it, there's a big hole in the bottom now ) I still love LP and later in life, I will teach my kid(s) tot do the same (otherwise it's bye bye sasamestreet for them )
I started liking them the first time I heard One step closer and after that it was the only song I would listen to for like three months. Everybody asked me what Linkin Park (this was some time before they hit it big) and told me that they loved the song. And then when they became huge everybody hated them aaaaall of a sudden