What the hell? I am myself..my clothing does not change my personality at all. ...Hot Topic whores? Where the hell do you get this ####? I don't think i should be judged by what i wear because you don't like it...it's wrong and you should probably think before you say #### to people. Because it could piss a person off...or seriously hurt them. I don't see where you feel that you have the right to say that kind of #### to/about someone. I mean..yeah it's okay to say what you think..but yeah....just think before you say something like that to someone again. (haha Gooo Stinnna. Fighting the sterotypes on loser at a time. LOL ..Lol..i'm not even trying to be rude or mean. But seriously...people try to hard to change other people..and it pisses me off to no end. I mean..like..Lol..i don't even like Avril...at all! But i dont' see where it says i deserve to be called a "Hot Topic Whore" or "Avril wannabe" Lol....some people have no respect for others at all.) :angry: [/b][/quote] Lol, I totally agree with you. Hot Topic?? When the hell did Avril start shopping there..? Ah whatever. How stupid is that though! LOL. Sorry IDK what to say.
It's virtually impossible to create your own style. If you do come up with a style yourself, chances are you're taking bits & pieces from another style, thus it's not original.
Lol, I totally agree with you. Hot Topic?? When the hell did Avril start shopping there..? Ah whatever. How gay is that though! LOL. Sorry IDK what to say. [/b][/quote] Yeah..i've been shopping there for like...ever. I never heard of Avril until like..2 years after i shopped there. Lol..so this really makes no sense..and it seems like she's just saying this #### to piss me off. *shrugs* (oh yeah..and i'm like IN LOVE with your avatar! i have a pic of two guys making out..haha..soo hot!)
I say we just let it go. Stina can shop where she wants, she has a right to. I would personally shop at Hot Topic myself but there isn't one near me. But to change the subject for now.. Look it's my 'significant' other. (kind of) Michele!
Yeah..i've been shopping there for like...ever. I never heard of Avril until like..2 years after i shopped there. Lol..so this really makes no sense..and it seems like she's just saying this #### to piss me off. *shrugs* (oh yeah..and i'm like IN LOVE with your avatar! i have a pic of two guys making out..haha..soo hot!) [/b][/quote] Yeah, haha don't worry about it. Their being dumb. Ahh, me too LOL thank you... DUDE!!!!!!! Will you send me the picture??? *dies* Soo hawt. Yes. Oh God.
The hand-touching-face thing! So cute. :whistle: [/b][/quote] Yeah I know. But she's mine you can't have her.
I'mm gunna KILL you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs away crying* when are you coming over?? I've been waiting ! [/b][/quote] If you kill me I know you'll regret it. I'll be over soon my Dad's allmost done getting ready sorry to keep you waiting hehe. '