Since the other thread sunk into oblivion and I'm heavily against necroposting, I thought it would be best to resurrect this thread for Pt.2 of Other People's Pictures. I will start off this thread with new pictures of who Coley (former LPA member) called: "The Ever Popular Stina Girl". These were taken right after my dad cut her hair (it was still wet ) and put dark red highlights in with her blonde. Oh and once again, these pictures are copyright of Derek Oswald. I dunno why I put that, I just love saying it.
This is a kick-ass photo of a cool guy called Christos who I met when I went on holiday to Crete Christos: I may add more from my holiday some other time...
I met them in Spain; Da Swiss Kids From left to right: Anja, Miguel, Franzisca, Tanja and Angela Beach girls From left to right: Me, Jessi, Sara, Julie... the last one's Rosie and I don't like her.
Whoa, whos that? :chemist: [/b][/quote] Will. He hates his smile so when he was on cam I froze it and took a screen shot of him smiling and posted it. His badass no smile reputation is tarnished. :chemist: j/k, I love ya, Will. And so does Aimee.
This is my friend Jon. I swear he's not as weird as you might think. clicky. And this is my friend Jessica and her brother Greg. clickier.