Before the video premiered, I heard a lot of things like "O, it is suppose to be the best video ever," but haven't heard any opinions of the vid after it premiered. It was a pretty sweet video with the different storylines and the band playing....all in animation.
One of the best and more innovative videos of our time aside from whatever other video they compared BTH to. Not many videos these days take so much time to create with so many steps involved (if you saw the making of BTH, you'd understand). Greatness.
It's one of the better videos of the past 3 years, yeah. I don't know if it compares to Tool's Parabol/Parabola, but alas, it's a good video. I don't like the Animation style thing, but that's Linkin Park type stuff, so yeah. I personally don't like it all that much, but it's one of the better videos of the past 3 years.
It's a change from the chain of videos that LP was putting out. I like it. Something that makes you proud to be a LP fan.
It's an awesome video! The animation was so cool! EDIT : Sorry about the teenie-ish statement there, Keaton.
I like the video a lot. I was really excited to see the animation, but I was a little bit dissapointed when I saw it the first time. Still I thought it was very good, but I was confused. Now I think it's one of the best video's of the last years. The animation was wonderfull. I'm glad that there is a video again wich was made carefully and took quite a while to make. I think Linkin Park may be really proud of this piece of art.
Defiently the best video of far! Geez, I gave LP my best video i've seen last year with From the Inside, they may do it again this year!
this is the first time I saw a music video in this animatied style. chester doesn't look that great, but the others do, and I like the song and lp n stuff. so: good :rawk:
i think that this was one of the best music videos so far this year... especially for linkin park, because their music video's were always good but they never rally had that much of a plot. Because if you had seen the interview that MTV had had with Mike and Chester u would know that in some of the music videos they don't even know the plot... they said that only Mr. Hahn did and that he wouldn't tell them... i meant taht could of course be a joke and i am just to blind to notice but they would have said the plot of the music videos if they knew... (strayed a little of topic there sorry) but anyways like this music video, makes sense... so yea it definetly get and A from me cause i get it!
Breaking The Habit in 2 words: F***ing Awseome. I love how they used Japenise Animation in the video.
Their worst video, in my opinion. Then again, I can't really say what else it could have been (in terms of what they could've done for a video)...
*thinking Chester is breaking a hobbit* ------------- I already said what I thought of BTH video. Very good.
I loved the video, along with the behind the scenes thing on Fuse. I thought it was incredibly innovative, and It reminded me of my friend who uses his computer to make anime music videos. Granted they aren't nearly as good or well-directed as Mr. Hahn's masterpiece.
it is altogether a masterpiece. although its graphics are not as fascinating as the PoA remix one, it create a whole new style. very thought-provoking (i like that rotating rings at the beginning and the end.)
why would you say it was the worst video that they have made it is one of the few music video's that they didn't just use... the concert...