One More Light Memorial - Milan (23 September 2017)

Discussion in 'Chester Bennington' started by The Free Element, Sep 26, 2017.

  1. #1
    The Free Element

    The Free Element Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2014
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    I'm not sure if this is the right section to make this post, if it isn't I apologize. Anyway I wanna talk about this wonderful, wonderful event I attended last saturday. I'm gonna start from the beginning: a few days after Chester's passing, a young woman from Milan named Francesca created a facebook event page to organize a memorial in honor of Chester. For some reason, the response from the fan has been HUGE, compared to the other events in Italy, with international LP cover band Living Theory joining in. The first plan was to hold the memorial in Monza, where Linkin Park last performed in our country, but it was too hard to organize. The location was changed to a club in the suburbs of Milan. To afford the cost of the venue, the equipment, the catering ecc... a crowdfounding was held with the goal of 12.000€. Extra-donations would have been given to suicide prevention non-profit organizations. Once again, the response of the Italian LP community has been amazing: we DOUBLED the goal, reaching 24.000€. After another venue change, the event finally took place: 3000+ people from the whole country gathered in Milan to attend. From 3 pm to 7 pm, nine bands performed Linkin Park's music, with small breaks.

    Afterwards Frencesca spoke to the crowd with three rappresentatives of the suicide prevention organizations. They talked about suicide and how important is to stay close to people who needs help, even if you don't know what to do, and it has truly been a moving moment. After a minute of silence in name of Chester, the event went on with Living Theory performing from 21 pm to 23 pm.

    Living Theory are INCREDIBLY talented, especially the lead singer who had Chester parts. The event ended with the performance of One More Light with the official music video on the screen behind the band, as shown in the video above. If I have to move a small criticism, there was too much Hybrid Theory and Meteora on the whole set, with very few tracks from the last three albums played, but italian fans are historically more attached to the first two records. But this is not important: what matters is the care that the community showed, the love for the band, for Chester. The whole event has been pro-shooted and will be sent to the band (and hopefully published online). I wanted to share this with you to show how strong this community can be, and how proud I am to be a part of it. I'll leave you the link of the facebook event if you wanna look at videos and pics:
    If the event is published on youtube I highly recommend you to take a look even just to the Living Theory set. It has been an incredible, fun and moving night for everyone who attended. The event was really hard to organize, but everything is possible when there's unity and care :) We hope to have made Chester proud~
    darkviruz likes this.

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