True, I started this off as a happy poem and couldn't resist adding the last line. Tell me what you think, puh-lease. ---------- On The Day Of My Funeral On the day of my funeral I want bluebells and roses Sunflowers and lilies Their scents to fill the air I want every breath to be a pleasure I want life to be full of beauty And I want the water to be a clear blue The grass a luscious green I want the sky to be a patchwork quilt I want birds to be heard and seen I want the sun to be as bright and passionate As ancient legends describe it I want the moon’s cold grace to not only live in fantasies And I want the stars to twinkle and shine I will cut these satin ropes I tied down myself And let my freedom enliven my circulation I want my life back I don’t want to spend all time sitting behind metaphorical bars Because I’m afraid of what the future might bring I’m tired of being scared of what the future might not bring I want to come out of my shell and live I’m not going to be held back I’m not going to hold myself back And I want soft, fluffy clouds to travel the sky I want baby soft petals of roses I want butterflies to roam around And the air to be pleasant and fresh I will cut these satin ropes I tied down myself And let my freedom enliven my circulation And I want berries to ripen And flowers to bloom I want ice to melt and rivers to flow Waterfalls like rainbows and only soft, powdery snow I want snowflakes to be crystal clear and endure, not melt away I want people to remember with tenderness, not with bitter, angry hate On the day of my funeral
Beautiful, it's like a fantasy book in poem form. For some reason, when I read it I think of it as a more curious/enlightened take on dying. So I think you are very capable of being optimistic, it's just hidden. Anyway, I think you did a lovely job on this.
Quite a different approach to the old familiar subject, very interesting...You did a fabulous job Mali!
I'd also like to say that I love you for correcting his spelling. That is also a habit of mine. Also, every time I read this poem, I like it even more. I'm still enjoying it.
Getchoo: Great minds think alike Thank you. Heshboy: Spell as you like, I'll always be there to correct you
damn good wow mali this is pretty damn good i lov it its made to be sad but its actually beautiful and happy except for the last line and the title lolz i luv it and i miss ya loadz! god...hate to say it but ur doing WAY better than i havnt been on or posted anythin in such a long time lol ur amazing n so is ur work KEEP IT ON! ciao |leila|