A New Screen Test for Imax: It's the Bible vs. the Volcano Can't these religious fundamentalists ever shut the hell up for 10 seconds and leave everything alone?
Exactly. This is coming from the same religious right that thought that Earth was the center of the Solar System a few hundred years ago and threatened people such as Aristotle four-hundred years ago with death unless he retracted his statement of the Heliocentric model, which turned out to be true. Absolutely ridiculous. A blatant restriction of free speech. Seems these fundamentalists are more about mind control nowadays.
ok this is kinda stupid, if people believe something then surely they carry on believing that no matter what they see or hear, if you really believe something you should stand by it, so what differnce would it make if the films were shown?
Exactly. This is coming from the same religious right that thought that Earth was the center of the Solar System a few hundred years ago and threatened people such as Aristotle four-hundred years ago with death unless he retracted his statement of the Heliocentric model, which turned out to be true. Absolutely ridiculous. A blatant restriction of free speech. Seems these fundamentalists are more about mind control nowadays. [/b][/quote] Amen. And yes, I know I just said a religious phrase. That's why I love Buddhism. You don't hear about uproaring Buddhists protesting movies because it doesn't emphasize reincarnation.
Well, there would be the part about people in those towns wanting to see a movie and not being able to because of some over-religious jackass who can't accept others' views.
man...im a christian. and I even think thats going to far. i mean sure i dont personally agree with the theory of evolution. but im not gonna start an up rising, or start rioting about it. thats just a pointless disturbance of the peace.
What a bunch of crap. The very idea that science should be dictated by what could hurt the opinions of others is sickening. It is completely backasswards of how progress is made.
Personally, I think that the theory of evolution is stupid. I'm a christian, but I dont believe that other people should be restricted in what they see because some other people have different beliefs. Who gave them the right to complain? The Passion of the Christ wasnt kept out of theaters because of other peoples beliefs, so why should it work the other way?
That's exactly what I thought. Everybody's got an opinion on the theory of evolution. I mean, there's not just one right answer out there.
We were learning about Evolution in science once, and these kids sat on the floor in the back of the classroom and refused to partake in it. They just wouldn't listen to anything the teacher had to say, and they didn't realize how fucking stupid they looked. This tops that.
that was really stupid of them. they could've atleast listened out the lesson and be polite, and then speak their mind... sheesh.... I think that evolution is the real way it begun, 'cuz there's evidence. As for religion, it's nice to believe in something, there's nothing bad in it, but let's not get blinded by it...
Well, we'll get the last laugh when they fail the test because they were too much of a pussy to listen
I'm Catholic, and I believe that either God created everything or that he supported evolution (the Church accepts this last one too, if you read the Genesis you'll see that he created everything in the same order that evolutionists say everything evolved). This thing of cancelling evolutionist movies goes too damn far, though, and it gives us the rest of the Christians (and religion in general) a really bad reputation that we don't deserve.
I'm a Christian and I enjoy listening to the other theories alot! While I don't believe it because of my faith, I'm not going to sit back and demand other people believe what I believe...actually I think the idea of seeing the big bang on an imax screen would be amazing.........I love the imax...
This religous intolerance trend has gone way too far recently, these "spread the gospel" fundalmentalists been getting much bolder since Bush took office and pushed his "faith based" agenda bs. They better get used to the return of American democracy in 08', fun's over then, another extremist like Bush won't see the White House for a long, long time.
i find this stupid and ignorant. those kind of moviesare teaching about the different possibilities of the creation of the earth. it is illegal to inforse a religion in school, its only legal to teach about it. same case here. a couple of hundred years ago it was unlawful to say that the earth is round etc. the church forsed people to think that the earth is flat. but it was proven that its round. i personally think that all of these religious ppl are dumb all the way through. there should always be room for other possibilities. if this site wasnt public i would have cursed them out.
I like how thye always have to have an opinion about something and have a say in everytihng. Eventhoguh one of the comandments is thou shall not judge.