I used to love Right Where It Belongs, but the crowd coming in doesn't have the same effect on me anymore, and "what if the world isn't real?" is such an uninteresting topic. My favourite from With Teeth are probably The Collector, Line Begins To Blur, Home and Sunspots. Line Begins To Blur is straight out of The Fragile though.
I like it because it's worlds apart from "The Fragile"; it's full of straightforward songs that don't take too much energy to listen to and they were probably quite fun to compose and to play. Trent needed a good break from writing sprawling concept records and what he did on "With Teeth" was an antithesis to that. I like "Year Zero" (my favourite Nine Inch Nails album) for a similar reason; that album went in the complete opposite direction from "With Teeth", sonically and lyrically, and managed to stand well-apart from "The Fragile" and, to a lesser extent, "The Downward Spiral" as well.
as far as straight forward rock songs, i think "the slip" did that pretty well too. i definitely like that album more than "with teeth". favorite is "the fragile" followed by "year zero". lights in the sky tour was fucking nuts, if you didn't see it live, you missed out.
My favorite album changes all the time. It just depends how I'm feeling really. But I've probably listened to The Downward Spiral and The Fragile at least twice as much as any of his other albums.
I think With Teeth is the only album I've listened to where I just completely throw objectivity out the window and just enjoy it because of the personal effect it has on me. I love Right Where It Belongs, not because it sounds like he's questioning if the world is real or not or any kind of Inception type weirdness, but because it sounds like an introverted angry man who has been looking at the rest of the world with disdain finally realizing that maybe he is the one with the problem, and that maybe he doesn't deserve all the fame he has. But I can certainly understand the hardcore fans disliking it. I'd say The Downward Spiral is my favorite, followed by Year Zero. I really did not "get" The Fragile the first few times I listened to it, but it's starting to come around lately.
Downward spiral is easily his best album. It's one of the best albums I've ever listened to. As well, with teeth doesn't deserve the hate it gets, its really a great album as well, although as you said Xerox, I can see why the die hard fan might not have liked it. It's kind of funny though, it was actually the slip that got me into the band. I'd never heard before and I found the slip at the library, and decided to see what the noise is all about. Now I love em to death
From Trent's twitter: "Mulholland test drive of the finished new HTDA record." Whatever the fuck that means. I still can't believe the album isn't out. It's been two months since they've finished mixing.
Hi, Californian here. Mulholland is a beautiful piece of road down in SoCal. To translate, he was probably driving down Mulholland while listening to the record.