It's part of the new that Demonbaby...I mean, Rob Sheridan is creating. Now that ninremixes and are gonna be up, and since Trent is free agent. Possible melding? Huzzah! [/wishful thinking]
As previously mentioned, this is 8 days before my 17th birthday, so I'm dying twice now. FRIGGIN A BE QUICKER. [six, six posts left ah ah ah]
YES man I'm so excited for this. I love how in his blog post he mentioned that he himself is guilty "to some extent" of putting out remix albums that weren't the best. sounds like a great idea too. oh, and I'll try this here (by the way sorry derek for making a new thread) wouldn't it be weird if Trent Reznor made a song called "I am God"? just something I thought of when I was bored. because in Closer he says "You get me closer to god" and in "Vessel" he says "I am turning into god". sooooooo it must lead to something, right? I don't wanna get reprimanded for double-posting or something, but remember that thread I made like 3 or 4 months ago about which Nine Inch Nails album was the best? well I now have The Downward Spiral [DualDisc], The Fragile, and Year Zero. I really like "Wish" and "Last" off the Broken EP, so I might get that too. slowly, Nine Inch Nails has become tied for my favorite band, next to Linkin Park.
You're only 19 Mark? I always pictured you as me and Andrea's age (20, turning 21). *Has just been mindfucked* By the way, yours truly WILL be making some NIN mashups/remixes when the cd comes out.
Actually, according the info in their profiles, he and Andrea are the same age. Have you been drinking something Derek?
I know this is gonna sound weird on an LP site, but I almost find it laughable that LP somehow has the ability to TIE with NIN.
well the funny thing about that is I feared getting yelled at if I said that Nine Inch Nails topped Linkin Park, so that's why I said "tied"
I tie LP and NIN Yes I respect Trents work more, but, IMO, Chester is a better vocalist, and really, you do kinda have to be in the right mood to listen to NIN.