Ok this is interesting: [youtube]Ed2p-WptAko[/youtube] Adam Lambert of American Idol singing Muse. It's not bad either for a cover. I know this isn't related to the new album, but this is basically the official Muse thread so I felt it best to put it here.
It's too pitch perfect for the song. Bellamy has a roughness to his voice that gives Starlight more expression...Adam's version (while good) is "over sung".
Good cover, but he's not going to top Matt, ever. The man has a ridiculous voice, especially live. I love how deliberate his vocals are in "Uprising". It's pretty different for him.
Yeah, that's it. It sounds a bit too fluid. He's obviously a really good singer though. As for the art, I can't say I'm sure what I think.
I mastered the bass riff to Uprising, it's pretty simple. I'll be uploading the video later this week.
Definitely. Plus, I'm a sucker for nice designs with a lot of colors. Seems like it's going to be a ridiculously over-the-top prog album in that tradition.. I'm looking forward to it.
http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPreorder?id=326691732&s=143455 30 second clips of all the songs. I'm convinced 30 seconds isn't enough to judge these songs even a bit. Especially cause it's Muse.
seems like the queen-esque sound can be heard throughout most of the tracks....but since I personally love that I think I'm gonna be pre-order this bad boy. Though Shadey is right that when it comes to Muse....30 second snippets are definitely not enough to judge each track.
Yeah, I was just about to post that they're up. They're interesting, I hope there's more to this album than what I hear. MK Ultra, I Belong to You, and the Exogenesis are all that I really can say I like judging from the 30 second clips, though, and of course Uprising and US of Eurasia which are out.