I remember when Derek changed Cradle's name, I laughed so damn hard... Unfortunately, it isn't. Should we post it?
Some people call me Justin. 11 out of 10 times I want to tear my brain out with pliers when I hear it.
Ok yeah, the last 8 years of his life was a wreck. Going back to justin bieber though, check this out: http://www.thestar.com/entertainmen...justin-bieber-sued-by-woman-over-hearing-loss
I think Justin Bieber makes some really catchy songs. Personally I'm not a huge fan, but he seems like a good enough kid I guess haha The only thing I hate about JB is his fanbase. Maybe not the whole fans but there are just some really annoying people that make too big of a deal about him, meaning his fans just like to make him look like he's the biggest thing in the world. But to a certain extend he kind of is just because of the mass amount of popularity not only his fans gives him but his "haters" as well. I mean think about it, he's either famous from the high amount of teen girls who like him or from the mass amount of people who just like to bash on him. Seriously I mean I see people comment on Youtube video's like "see the dislike bar? That's the size of JB's penis" or something like that. It's stuff like that that make him infamous to his "hater" community. Even in the Internet you'll see his name from almost anyone. Love him or hate him, you have to admit that the guy is talked about from almost every opposite end from the people who like and hate him. I don't know its just ridiculous to me that the people who hate him make him more known around the world. People love something I hate I guess haha Overall I think he has some really great talent and with a lot of hard work and dedication, he could be really well known in history for all we know. I don't know, let's see what he brings to the table!
I don't care for him: I don't like his music, but I don't dislike him. What I DO dislike was back around 2009, 2010, etc. people made SUCH A BIG ********** DEAL about him. Acting like he murdered music, he should die, etc. I mean, people on the internet aren't that dumb...... Are they?
Finally Justin Bieber made a good song Check this out guys for me is the only good Justin Bieber song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4em3LKQCAQ Tell me your thoughts
Bieber kicks ass. Also, there's an official JB thread here: http://lpassociation.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37162
That song is better than most of his songs. I don't like the dude, but I'm not going to be one who goes around hating on him. People can like whatever they like