The worst thing about Justin Bieber is his Twitter fans, who constantly trend stupid crap about "WE HEART JUSTIN FOREVER" and "RIP JUSTIN". It's goddamn annoying. I think half the people who "hate" JB are doing it because it's the cool thing to do, like it is with other artists like Nickelback and Creed. I've got some respect for the kid because he does have talent and also has a good story behind his emergence into a superstar. Plus he's Canadian AND a Leafs fan. Check out this instrumental and forget it's a Justin Bieber song for a minute: [youtube]FhWR82gPKic[/youtube]
He's going to be in my country in the coming weeks. And the way the TV shows are milking it is horrible. Yeah so One Direction is going to be in on Xfactor, no one really cares. It's X Factor come on. But Bieber is going to be performing live on the most popular morning show here (Sunrise) and the finale of Aus Got Talent. It's going to be a week of ABC For Kids worth of TV for me.
^ This. People who spend so much of their time and energy bashing JB may as well be closet hardxcore fans.
Yep, that's kinda true! Hence why I hate those "bieber comments" on youtube. They just scream "Hey! Look at how I'm using trendy comments to catch people attention" :/
I totally agree but it was a totally different era. In defining pop I guess I kind of had like Michael Jackson and on in mind. Who also by the by, faded. At least until he died. But before that we all just wrote him off as a total . Anyways, you are correct the beatles were pop but I hadn't really considered pop before like, the 80's.
Like Pidgeon said, MJ was a much bigger star, and he completely faded away... Let's if Bieber will start ''experimenting'' a little, if he does, the same thing that happens to all celebrities will happen to him.
HOLD UP RIGHT THERE. Michael Jackson's last album (released 2001) sold 13 million copies worldwide. That's not fading away at all. the "This is it" tour sold out in like 30 minutes. He didn't fade away at all. It was simply the scandals that destroyed his image. His music however, never faded away. Even the 25 anniversary Thriller album sold like three million albums in its first month. I'm sure JB will fade though... soon.... ._.
Anyone who actually thinks expressing a dislike for Justin Bieber makes them look cool should be castrated by way of liquid nitrogen and a hammer.
I just prefer to ignore him or his fans altogether, makes no sense to spend any energy on someone I absolutely don't care about. And yes, just give it time and all the craze will fade.
I think despite the numbers he did fade. He just wasn't the superstar he used to be. So I mean he sold a shit load of records but he and his career was just shell of their former selves. Lol this so off topic.
Well, I do respect him as a musician, and the fact is that I respect every musician out there. At least he is TRYING to create something that's not awful.
Do you mean Cradle Loves Justin Bieber, right? [thumb][/thumb]
Again, just like Pidgeon said, we wrote him off as a total . I was so fucking sad when MJ died, because he was really a great artist (I mean, listen to Thriller, Beat It, Billie Jean, Who Is It and so on and say he isn't...). Plus, you said it yourself, his latest album was released in 2001, and he died in 2009, last 8 years of his life, it was just scandals, did he rape this kid? Did he rape that kid? He was a person who was falling, and people watched him, laughed and mocked... I remember that.