Official 'Game of Thrones' Thread (SPOILERS)

Discussion in 'The Living Room' started by Will, Apr 12, 2015.

  1. Decay

    Decay Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2011
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    Goddamn, you can call this one "Payoff: The Episode"

    That was, for me, one of the best battles put on screen in recent years. That long shot of Jon going through all the soldiers was incredible. The battle gradually got more disorienting, but it fit so well. I liked it a lot. I'm sad that they killed off Wun Wun, though, as I would've hoped for one giant to be in the final battle, but alas. Or perhaps the White Walkers have their own giants, who knows. Littlefinger's army was predictable, though, I was wondering when they'd show up and if they'd be in time to save all the important characters. Rickon, at least, didn't make it. Guess they needed one more despicable act for Ramsay before his death.

    Everything in Meereen was fine, especially the scene with Theon and Yara. I liked that the other two dragons joined Drogon, but I did ask myself why they're suddenly so obedient. Maybe they consider Drogon their leader now? The scene with the slavers was also great.

    I'm not watching the preview, but I'm guessing shit's gonna go down in King's Landing next episode. Oooooh boy.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2016
  2. Agent

    Agent Formerly known as Agent Sideburns LPA Über VIP

    Apr 20, 2006
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    I truly feel blessed to be living in a time in history where television is THIS GOOD!
  3. Tim

    Tim My perversion power is accumulating LPA Super Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    Who else screamed "SERPENTINE" when Rickon started to run?. Tsk tsk tsk.
  4. minusxerø

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Spoilers: Rickon apparently graduated from the Prometheus School of Running Away From Things.
  5. Zak


    Jul 28, 2010
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    The very least I can say is that battle looked fucking beautiful. I still think the battle in hard home is my favourite but this was certainly fucking amazing.
  6. Wasabi GOD

    Wasabi GOD Praise Brad Delson, our Lord and Savior. LPA Addict

    Apr 29, 2014
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    My god, that was so gooooooood. :lol: Rickon is the most stupid boy evr :lol: I was surprised by the last bow, but in the other moment i was "ehhh, nevermind" :lol:
  7. Decay

    Decay Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2011
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    Dude should've been training under Abridged Piccolo instead.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2016
  8. minusxerø

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Fat lot of good that did Gohan, though. Got him traumatized by a single word.
  9. lime treacle

    lime treacle Über Member Über Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    The battle scenes were indeed great (at Winterfell; the ones in Meereen were pretty, but rather corny); I can't help feeling, though, like the episode didn't quite deliver. Sure it was devoid of any Arya sort of bullshit we'd had in the previous one, but still. Maybe it's because I knew that Ramsay was going to die (managed to spoil it for myself unfortunately), but the rest of the episode was very predictable. Daenerys wins via her dragons. Check. (How many times have we seen her do that now? It's a ready deus ex machina, recycled over and over again.) Baelish answers Sansa's pleas and defeats the Boltons. Check.

    Also, Rickon dying is so fucking shitty. Yes, the way in which he meets his end is tragic, but if I'm not mistaken, he'd had not a single line of dialogue this season. We see him for the first time in ages, then we don't even know what's going on with him the entire season, then, oh look, he shows up again and is killed off within minutes. Rickon was brought back to die and I can't appreciate that decision.

    As Glenn said, shit is probably going down in King's Landing next episode and I'm looking forward to that. Also hoping to see some Hound because he has been the saving grace of the last couple of episodes.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2016
  10. Zane


    Apr 3, 2010
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  11. Dragondust

    Dragondust Lingering distortion LPA VIP

    Feb 4, 2010
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    585 who is Jon Snow's dad????
  12. minusxerø

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Spoilers: R+L=J, silly

    Also: Holy shit.
  13. Ree

    Ree a female witch. LPA Administrator

    Jul 28, 2010
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    Amazing episode and one of the strongest seasons to date, imo.

    Thoughts (spoilers):

    - I want to adopt Lyanna Mormont.
    - Arya's return and Frey pie was awesome and unexpected. Excited to see her work through her kill list and maybe be the one to kill Cersei in the future.
    - Tower of Joy reveal finally! I liked the transition to present day Jon, as predictable as it was.
    - Where the fuck will Melisandre go now? Dorne? I hope she bumps into Arya as she did say to Arya in a previous episode that they will meet again...
    - I found the scene with Tyrion kneeling to Dany really touching.
    - Oh, Tommen.
    - Season 7 = Queen Dany (and the North, I hope) vs Mad Queen Cersei. YES.

    Ok, gonna go cry from the emptiness of GoT ending until it returns. Bye. :cry:
  14. Wasabi GOD

    Wasabi GOD Praise Brad Delson, our Lord and Savior. LPA Addict

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Tommen giving the exact description of 'King's Landing'. My thoughts after he saw the fire: "Hopefully he kills himself now". Good to know my wish come true.
    Fucking Arya Stark. I had to admit i was a little disappointed in her in the last episodes, but holy shit. That one was fucking amazing. Spechless.
    KING OF TE NORTH! KING OF THE NORTH! Lady Mormont is awesome. Sir Davos finally knew the truth *cry* Atleast the red woman had to leave Winterfell.
    God dammit Cersei. I hope Arya gets you and your fucking defender. I want this bitch dead and that asap. How the fuck can Varys travel so fast. I want to see his fucking Jetpack.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2016
  15. minusxerø

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Plot point aside, this episode was filmed and scored fucking masterfully. I was geeking out so much over the framing of a lot of those extended long shots. One scene in particular I shouted out "WES ANDERSON" and everyone displayed astonishment of how accurate a comparison it was. Miguel Sapochnik should just be thrown bundles of money to direct GoT full-fucking-time.

    And the music. My God.
  16. The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    Jamie is so gonna kill Cersei. I mean, think about it. She did exactly what he killed the Mad King for trying to do. He's gonna be pissed.

    spoilers! no tags! spoilers!

    As well as the fact that she was the indirect cause of their last sons death, and she also destroyed any sort of claim her family has to the throne at all. I think that Dany would have been the rightful heir after Tommen, but now it's up for debate between Jon and Danny. Ideally they'd make an alliance and rule Westeros together, given the circumstances but this is Game of Thrones. Ain't gonna be no happy endings.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2016
  17. Decay

    Decay Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2011
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    This. All of it. But especially the Miguel Sapochnik part. What a guy.

    So many great shots in this episode.

    I'm a bit bummed out they rushed a couple of things here and there during this season to get to the finale point, but I can see why they sped things up. Now we can get into the action right away next season.
  18. Ree

    Ree a female witch. LPA Administrator

    Jul 28, 2010
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  19. lime treacle

    lime treacle Über Member Über Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Jesus, man. So much plot advancement.

    SPOILERS from here on!

    The death count was insane. Here's a list of major characters we won't be seeing anymore (hopefully I'm not missing anyone):
    • King Tommen
    • Margaery Tyrell
    • Mace Tyrell
    • Loras Tyrell
    • Kevan Lannister
    • Maester Pycelle
    • the High Sparrow
    • Lancel Lannister (and presumably all the other Sparrows)
    • Walder Frey (and two of his sons, Lothar and Black Walder)
    Michele is totally right about Varys. I mean, in one scene our favourite eunuch (unless you prefer Grey Worm) is in the Water Gardens, and the next time we see him he's in Slaver's––oh, I'm sorry, the Bay of Dragons. Obviously the last scene is meant to be happening weeks, or at least days after (EDIT: At least a month, apparently! That is a cool article Ree linked, and apparently Martell and Tyrell sails were in the fleet. I feel a little dumb for not catching that), but the jump is still kind of awkward. As well as the jump at the Twins. Not just Arya showing up at the Twins with us last seeing her in Braavos, but actually seeing the Twins twice, days apart. They've made it clear what they're doing with the time "traveling" in the show, but that doesn't take the oddness from it.

    Otherwise, a huge episode, at times indeed beautiful to watch due to the fantastic direction already noted in this thread.

    Some of my highlights:

    • The beginning of the episode. The music was just amazing.
    • Everything in Oldtown was outstanding. The city looked great, the maester in the Citadel was so amusing, and it was a delight to see Sam marvel at the largest library in Westeros.
    • Tommen jumping. As tragic it was, it was a beautiful, poetic scene, and it offered solace knowing Cersei would take a much-deserved hit this episode. However, I'm surprised how little she seemed to care. It seems power was more important to her than her only remaining child, after all.
    • Lyanna's sequence was another gorgeous moment, though the choice to transition from the baby's face to Jon's might be considered a rather corny way to explain the scene to the casual viewer (albeit it was done well).
    • Lancel crawling, stabbed, through the cellar, failing to save the Sept. Couldn't he have blown? Hah.
    • Varys saying "Fire and Blood". I love Varys and it was great to hear the Targaryen words again, all the more for the circumstances in which we did.
    • Hidden–Arya glancing at Jaime and Bronn thinking she's checking him out.
    • The Jaime and Walder scene and the look on the latter's face following the prior's final words to him. Bradley made a fantastic Walder Frey, even if he wasn't bald like in the books.
    • Davos's shouting fit at Melisandre. Some more great acting there, this time from Mr. Liam Cunningham.
    • Olenna Tyrell mocking the Sand Snakes. That was fun.
    • Jaime and Bronn's arrival at King's Landing. Can't beat the view.

    Game of Thrones may have had some dips in quality, but it has also delivered time and time again. And at the end of the day, it must be admitted that this kind of television is hard to beat.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2016
  20. Will

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    The only thing I hate about the show is how everyone complains about the characters' use of magical jetpacks.

    No one complained during the first two seasons when characters were moving around the chessboard just as quickly.

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