one year. 3 phases. a world of change. [video=youtube;gP9q61Fjlqo][/video] [video=youtube;Ccazpyz0RyQ][/video] We are the 99%. This is our time. America is waking up. Do you want REAL change, or do you want a 2nd Obama term? A 1st Mitt Romney term? How about Bachmann, or Palin, or Rick Perry? Use your voice before it's taken away from you.
I'm going to Occupy Nashville on Sunday. I'm almost positive they have an Occupy Minneapolis event coming up within the next month.
Casey, the following is a sincere question that I'm asking out of curiosity and not an attempt at antagonising you - if you've posted this thread and you're using that avatar, you're compromising your anonymity, right? I thought Anonymous didn't like people doing that?
No. You don't have to be Anon unless you want to be. I have no reason to conceal my identity, it's not like I'm in the hacking sector of Anon. Those are the ones that don't advertise the cause or their real name, etc. They have more of a reason to hide who they are then you or I do. I'm mainly interested in going to protests and spreading the word about what Anon is doing. With the 3 phase program, they've changed their structure and how they go about doing things. It's not about being anonymous anymore, unless you want to hide who you are.
If you think Anonymous is 'a group' you already have no freaking clue of what you're talking about. Enjoy spouting memes and pretending to be a grassroots internet superhero.
[video=youtube;gaXBWpN7ii8][/video] This is long overdue and I applaud these protesters for exercising their 1st amendment rights. Though they need to be more clear as to what their main goals are. I personally don't think (in the case of the U.S.) the system is flawed, rather the people running it are. That isn't directed at those in a specific party, but at the politicians as a whole.
Everyone. Anonymous isn't a thing. Anonymous is what you're called on 4chan. People on 4chan decided one day to fuck with some Scientologists, silly schmucks saw that and thought "What's this... internet revolutionaries?! I WANT IN!" and somehow decided that a posting system for an anime imageboard is a rebel counter-culture brigade. Let's take a look at some of these Anonymous wins; [video=youtube;MF_lOHUMyX0][/video] Scientology? Nothing happened, nerds just had the fun of calling them crazy a lot. The Iranian Revolution? People being beaten in Tehran were the heroes of that, not fat white kids on Twitter. Operation Payback? It's called DDoSing, and it happens almost constantly, every day. Occupy Wall Street? Congrats, you're biggest claim to fame is being pepper-sprayed by an angry fat policeman. I'm not saying don't protest, I'm saying these clowns genuinely believe their own hype, which is pathetic. In conclusion; this.
Yeah, because if it's towards me...I already know Anon is not a group or some terrorist organization. There's no "hacking sector" or "non hacking sector" or individual groups because Anon itself is not a group but instead an offshot of 4chan. Anonymous doesn't have one big collective place to meet on the internet, and there is no designated leader. It's not like Al-Queda where you kill Osama Bin Laden and you cripple their defenses. Anon is everywhere. There are twitter accounts out there that may claim to represent "Anon" or who advertise campaigns "AnonOps", but that's only the tip of it. There's plenty of hackers/people out there who call themselves "Anon" but act totally independent of other Anonymous members. It's why sometimes you'll see so called "official" Anon members making statements on behalf of Anon, discouraging acts committed by other members of Anon. Confusing sure, but the fact's impossible to categorize something that in itself is not intended to be categorized. And honestly, it's wrong to even call the people "members" because...yeah, not a group.
You're not getting what I'm saying, I know what they think they are. I'm saying that they're just schmucks screaming vague, empty things and 4chan memes and trying to pass themselves off as a worldwide freedom fighting movement. Nerds taking themselves waaaaay too serious is what I'm getting at. I hope you like copypasta, because it's more or less what i'm trying to get across;
I'm glad that's a quote because it broke at least two of our rules lol. But yeah, the above sums up how I feel about 4Chan. 4Chan is the unwiped asshole of the internets.
Yes, yes it is. So you can imagine what it looks like when people take incredibly old 4chan jokes, take them seriously, and then do... all that with them.
I had an...unpleasant situation involving 4chan to say the least. I'm not a huge fan. I love the memes that come out of there, but the general culture/content that gets posted over there? Yeah no.
I wasn't referring to Anonymous as a group in the sense that Blackee means... I'm talking about how in certain quarters of the internet there are plenty of anons who are very resentful and bitter towards "newfags" and the like, whether they're the ones who take part in these protests or not. Not that it's something to be proud of but I know plenty more than you're giving me credit for, thanks very much.