www.myspace.com/nickelback first song "gotta be somebody" Their new album "Dark horse" comes out november 18th
I like it, though it doesn't sound much like them .. But anywho, Nickelback's music makes me happy =] @ Nick: Rockstar was pretty alright IMO, it's chorus on the other hand, was rather lame ..
Holy fuck, I'm in love with this song. I'm glad their sound is a little different, though I'm sure they'll still have their signature sound on there somewhere. As much as people hate Nickelback, I love them. They can do no wrong, as far as I'm concerned. I really can't say I've ever heard a song by them I didn't like. @ Luke — A "dark horse" is someone who's considered an underdog. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't rip off a title from a crappy band.
Amen. This song is fantastic. Nickelback are a great band, they havn't made too many songs I can say I don't enjoy which is why they're one of my favourite bands.
They really are a great band, i find it pretty strange how alot of people don't like them. I just don't get it!
I think RockStar has a big role to play in that. I loved that song at first but it got played everywhere over and over and over and over and over that I really just don't wanna hear it anymore.
Shit this song is good Huge hit coming, everyone will love these lyrics. EDIT: I heard Photograph a hell of a lot more than Rockstar
Nickleback killed themselves when they popularised themselves and have the guts to turn up to a death metal fesitval.
I don't think so. You see, Rockstar is kinda new so this can't be it .. But yeah, i've heard this song so many times i "almost" got sick of it .. I still think it's chorus messed it up, though ..
Death metal is when they scream mindless non sense into the microphone, backed by demonic sounding music... Not slipknot, because you can actually make out with slipknot is saying lol. Look up dethklok
"Rockstar" came out a couple years ago. @ Mascara — Ummm... yeah. They still sell millions of records. I really don't think they're "dead."
How You Remind Me was cool the first three houndred times then the radio killed it. I can't believe a like Creed better than Nickleback (as both voices are smiliar).
Scott Stapp and Chad Kroeger? Gotta disagree with you there... But yes, How You Remind Me got slaughtered by radio.
Still it's considered one of the band's "latest" songs, seeing that they started out more than 10 years ago. So if people say they don't like Nickelback just because they've heard Rockstar alot, well then that's just not fair to the band itself!