So first off, you're right. TO Was never a Patriot. I mistakenly typed him down and I meant to put Moss. Eitherway, never liked either of them. Now that I've admitted I fucked that up, I see your point of easy points and running the clock out, but I hate the idea. haha. I still will never like the Patriots and Bill Belichick.
I've lived in Chicago all of my life and have been a Packer fan since elementary school. The reason being is my family is from Upper Michigan, 90 miles away from Green Bay. I love being up there and having my fandom with the Packers is like a throwback to my ancestors. Life is hard as a Chicago born Packer fan, but I can live with it. I think alot of the Bears managements stupid decisions are one of the reasons I don't concider myself a Bears fan. They are, however, not one of my most hated teams. I cheered for them when they made the Superbowl, but I don't concider myself a huge Bears fan by and stretch of the imagination. If they are doing well and I think they deserve it, I'll cheer them on. If they are doing well because of luck, not so much. When they are playing the Pack, however, all bets are off. Also, I'm a Chargers fan. I was supposed to move to California growing up, but that never happened. Anyways, I embraced the 49ers first and then went to the Bolts since the 49ers were in the NFC and so were the Pack. So I picked my favorite Conference teams and there I stand. That's my football story.
I can't imagine not hating the Vikings and Packers. Ha. I was going to move to San Diego back when I was in 2nd grade. My first jersey was a Jerry Rice jersey.
Lol. I can't stand watching anything NCAA, but they should definitely be paid. Sounds like within a few years the big football conferences are going to break off from the NCAA and get their own TV contracts and pay the players instead of wasting all that money paying the NCAA for nothing.
While cruising the classifieds if you find an offensive line could you please inform the front office of the Chicago Bears? It'd be greatly appreciated.
I don't think this would happen, because all the old people, and traditionalists (me) would get pissed. They're getting what, a $30,000-100,000 scholarship, plus tutors to make every class very easy to at least get a B in so you can make money even if you don't make the NFL? Can't beat that.
You don't get pissed that everyone but the players are getting paid for doing almost nothing to deserve it? The players create the revenue, they should get a piece of the pie, if not the majority of it.
It's not a big paycheck at all. It's at most 30k a year. These big schools are making millions and millions off of these programs. The kids are basically slave labor that get their schooling paid for.
Maybe High School football players should get paid too. After all, it is 5 bucks a ticket and they are the main attraction.
It's not slave labor if they are getting some form of payment, in this case their schooling paid for. And to top this sundae with it's cherry, NCAA games are a great way for the players to get noticed by the NFL to make the millions we know NFL players make. I'd say they pretty much have it made.
And not only the full ride scholarships, but tons of free gear (shirts, shoes, socks, shorts, hoodies, sweats, hats, etc.), free tutoring for any class to help them get good grades. And as mentioned above to get noticed by the NFL. Didn't that Oklahoma native Sam Bradford get like a 75 mil contract?