As you may know, the guys have a Vegas show, a summit, then a small Australian tour coming up, which takes them to early march. Do you think they'll take a break from touring and finish the mall soundtrack or even the 6th studio album? Or do you think they're about to announce another tour? Let me know!
I sure hope they take a break. I think the touring has taken a huge toll on chester. I want them to take a while to figure out what they want to do, and I wouldn't be against a collaboration or something. Mall would be cool. Take plenty of time to recover and keep writing, then come back full force with a masterpiece and Chester 100%
Finish this tour. Go into the studio to work on the Mall soundtrack. Release The Mall soundtrack. Go to the studio to work on new album. Finish work on new album. Go on a small tour before the new album. Release the new album. Go on world tour where they will be playing in Croatia about 3 times a month. Do whatever they want. FORT MINOR.
I'd like to say I'm sure Australia isn't the end of the tour, considering they've already got Summer Sonic booked in August...but then again, it wouldn't surprise me. I'm honestly SHOCKED at how little this band seems to care about touring in general anymore. I just did a quick count, and if Australia/New Zealand plus the two Summer Sonic shows turns out to be the end of this touring cycle, the Living Things "world tour" will have amounted to just 55 "full" shows. That's down from 82 on the A Thousand Suns touring cycle (not including a handful of cancelled performances), which was a relatively "small" touring cycle compared to the marathons they did in support of their first 3 albums. This whole touring cycle has been weird, they did a bunch of May/June touring promotion leading up to the album's release, then took the entire month of July and the first week of August off right after it came out. Then they toured consistently from mid-August through mid-October, but since then, they've done two shows in November, one show in December, and won't be back on a regular touring schedule until the end of February. Where the hell is the actual "Living Things tour?" How do you drum up support for an album that just came out if you barely tour after it's done, skip a bunch of markets you normally play at LEAST once a touring cycle, and take months at a time off from touring during what should be the album's peak sales period? This makes no sense.
Don't fucking do this LP, never again. Europe last year completely missed out on almost every new song.
Well, I agree with Astat.I don't really understand how this is a "Living Things tour" if you just don't play the half of the album I've waited waited and waited until they played a performance in which the most of the tracks consist of "Living Things",as expected in a "Living Things tour",but that just doesn't seem to happen.And I am still waiting for the real "Living Things tour" because,for me,they haven't yet done one.
Living Things tour had 70% Living Thing songs(BID,COG,LITE,In my remains,LGM,part of UIB,Tinfoil,Victimized mash up). They were played on different shows but these 8 songs where never brought on 1 setlist together.Instead there were mostly played With you,Somewhere I belong,PoA and LOATR,SOTD,Iridescent mash up. Setlist Sao Paulo: Linkin Park Setlist at Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, CA, USA: They are already doing some work at studio(Mall movie) but they will take a tour break probably in 9th month and then go to work on next album.
All of this and then some. I think ATS had a fairly decent touring run, (although another U.S. tour wouldn't have hurt...) at least for that cycle they did FULL tours in all different parts of the globe. The LT cycle is pretty confusing, it's like they're just popping up in places every so often. I will also be severely disappointed if there's no second U.S. run; their promotion for the album and the singles off of it (excluding BID) doesn't seem to be going too well, they need to get people excited again with another big tour here. Honestly, a second Honda Civic would be good in my opinion.
Dear god. All I ask is come to the UK. Then have a break however the fuck long they want, then release an album as groundbreaking as ATS (don't care what genre) and thus, carry on and become even bigger.
+1 Come to the UK again LP. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only LP fan left over hear (apart from you guys of course haha)
I feel like Living Things isn't worth a full tour for them. It's just an album between two others (If they do 18-month cycles the albums are less "important"). With some songs that fit well into the setlist. But not more.
I agree with most of you. I'm also still waiting for a real Living Things show, with most songs from the album. The festival shows before the LT release were pretty weird, since they only played two songs from LT. I already said on Twitter once, that I don't count those European shows to the LT tour cycle. For me they are more like "Best of" shows for festival crowds. This is also why I was expecting a real LT tour in Europe, but so far there are no tour dates and at this point I doubt that there will be any this year, which just frustrates me.
How about a freakin Europe tour? I have no idea why Europe misses out this touring cycle. All we got were festival appearances, how about some proper concerts here? Living Things hit number one in pretty much every major European country.