Ok, so I remember reading a good while back that LP had signed a 5 record contract with Warner before HT. So my wondering is Since LT is their fifth studio album, has their contract now expired? If so, what does this mean for them? I firmly believe they're in a position where they wouldn't even need a record label to do well. Is anyone able to confirm or deny that they did in fact sign a contract like this?
Yes. The band has expired. Therefore, there will be no more albums in the future. Living Things was their last work.
Yeah, not a reply I care much for. Anyway, I know they generally have a lot of power over what they write and such, but surely having Warner constantly looking over your shoulder would be a hindrance rather than help. If it is true that they have finished up their relationship, will they now go labelless and self promote, or sign to another label? Just curious to see what you all think.
I wanna say after their 06 lawsuit they ended up singing another massive deal, but I'm not sure for how many more releases it was for. Brb, looking for evidence of my rambling.
Derek would know more about this than anyone. I think the band still has 1 or 2 releases left on the label but I am not certain.
For fuck's sake, just release an album every 6 months until the contract is done. Get out of that mess.
I was thinking the same thing recently. We'll probably find out in the next 6-12 months if they're out of their Warner contract. It'd be interesting to see if LP had the balls to pull a Radiohead and go independent. They have a big enough fan base where they could probably pull it off.
I was wondering about the same thing and I actually saw on some another forum (can't remember where unfortunately) a guy posting about this and he was pretty sure that it was a 5 record contract, but I actually don't know where he got that from so frankly it means nothing.
I will cry if this is their last album... But, I know it isn't, because in all interviews, Mike said: ''We have a lot of demos, which is why we won't start our NEXT RECORD from scratch.
Concept Album that is less electronic and more folky inspired themes.... lets see if that works.. more guitar solos from Brad...
Don't forget Chesterchaz Publishing, Big Bad Mr. Hahn Music, Nondisclosure Agreement Music, Rob Bourdon Music, Kenji Kobayashi Music and Pancakey Cakes Music (BMI)
I'm pretty sure they've got two more albums left in the contract. http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/news...article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1001771833
I personally think they probably can't wait to get out of Warner's web. They're probably grateful that they have had such an opportunity because of them, but their careers are at a stage where they can now go out and be truly independent. They've got the balls to do it too. They've earned enough money, and the guys are all over the net. Time to break the shackles guy!! I have just now come to the opinion that they may even take a giant step up in creativity Lol. Maybe I'm getting carried away, but it would feel a massive relief if you became your own boss again. No deadlines, so concrete commitments. EDIT A concept album about their relationship with Warner...Now there's an idea haha
Yeah I think I remember Derek saying in the shoutbox a week ago that they had 2 albums left on the contract, but don't quote me on it.
It's interesting because the only boundary Warner sets on Linkin Park, it seems, is time. I can't really say the quality of Linkin Park's music is hurt by Warner, apart from the fact that maybe they don't have the time to polish as they'd wish. Warner isn't saying, "Do this." Warner is saying, "Do what you will, by this time." I am certainly intrigued to see however, what Linkin Park does in the wake of having all the time they need to make a record. I've always wondered what A Thousand Suns would be like if Warner had given then more time. We'll never know, but here's to finding out what a truly limitless Linkin Park sounds like two records from now.
If anything, Linkin Park over thinks their music too much. I think if they were given complete free range to make an album and it was to be released when they deemed it "finished", it would take close to a decade.