News About New Album From Lpu From Brad

Discussion in 'Linkin Park Chat' started by Whiteboi2kx, Jan 15, 2003.

  1. #1

    Whiteboi2kx Member

    Dec 20, 2002
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    There u go more news single called Somewhere I Belong

    Brad- what does Meteora mean to Linkin Park and how did you come up with the name? What is the pronunciation of the name?
    (Mee-tee-ora is the pronunciation.)
    Actually we were touring in Europe and inside the bus the bus driver had set down a travel magazine that was actually featuring this place called Meteora, and just looking at the pictures of this larger than life place- we were inspired to try to write sonically what those pictures conveyed visually. That was before we had even written the body of the album, so it actually inspired us to create on tape what we were seeing visually.
    Meteora is a chain of monasteries in Greece that sit on top of incredible rock formations- it’s a really unbelievable place. The title does not have to do with the music in a literal sense- but can be used as a metaphor – the grandeur of it, and the timelessness of it, are all conveyed quite well on our album.
    Actually some of the guys hadn’t even seen the pictures of this place yet- they had just heard the name, but they were all drawn to it just by the energy of the name.

    How would you describe the sound of the Meteora album as compared to past albums you have recorded?
    I think there is definitely a threat that links Hybrid Theory with Reanimation with Meteora. Lyrically I think Chester and Mike are dealing with same kinds of emotions as they were in the past- but the difference is they are confronting them with the new perspectives in their lives. There are a lot of the same themes as Hybrid Theory, but the perspective is different and the album shows our growth. Musically it has a lot of the heaviness and darkness as our recordings in the past- but I believe it’s more dynamic then Hybrid Theory. We explored different tempos and time signatures to create a really unique body of work but at the same time a cohesive record. We took 80-90 concepts for songs and streamlined them down to 12, which not only were the strongest songs, but all made the most sense together musically. When we write an album we want it all to make sense and not just write a single and songs to fill in. I think when someone puts on their headphones and listens to this album it taked you on a journey beginning to end. We wanted to may a cinematic record.
    One thing that is unique lyrically on Meteora it’s has a unique sense of optimism in the first single which isn’t necessarily present on the other sings. Most of the rest of the songs are quite dark.
    Brad Talks About Meteora part 2

    Are you looking forward to touring again after this long break?
    We are really excited to tour and play a lot of places we haven’t been before and even hit some new places– we will definitely be touring extensively. Another great thing is we’ll have a lot more material in which to choose from when playing our live show. Last time we tried to fill out an hour with 37 min of material but in actuality it will be fun to play songs from Hybrid Theory, Meteora, possibly Reanimation. Besides, I think it will just elevate our live show to have a greater selection and more variety. Plus I’ve been working out really long guitar solos I’m really excited to play on this next tour- 10-15 minutes long of just guitar solos. We might just have a second stage just for my guitar solos.

    What is the significance- if any- to the release date you chose?
    It was the soonest possible date that we could get it out.

    Can you tell us anything about the video for the first single?
    Joe is directing the new video by himself and we are really very proud of what he’s done in the past. He’s definitely going to be special effects and CGI intensive. Joe’s background is in creating larger than life visual environments. The song is really about escape and trying to find a place where you belong- but in this case Chester basically falls into a dream, which is the place where he is most comfortable, and Joe is trying to bring to life Chesters subconscious, which is where the majority of the video takes place.

    Will the album have any DVD or enhanced CD extras?
    We are trying to do as much special stuff with the CD packaging and content as possible.

    Will you be doing chats on Linkin and to give us more info on the upcoming album?
    Absolutely. and are the 2 only 100% reliable sources of information.
    And also- the internet has always provided us for the best means for communicating directly with our fans.

    What is the name of your single- and what does it sound like?
    Somewhere I Belong- it’s the 3rd track and first single off the record. Definitely I think it represents musically what we’ve been able to accomplish. It’s a dope song. I think that from the very beginning of the song you know its something special. It definitely showcases the ability for Mike and Chester to merge into one unstoppable force.

  2. #2

    streetsoldier Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2003
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    I can't wait for the cd. I've been a fan since I first heard One Step Closer on the box, and I've been hooked ever since. :joe:
  3. #3

    Trumtram Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2002
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    :angry: you suck
  4. #4

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    This is awesome.
  5. #5

    Ent0303 Banned

    Jan 9, 2003
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    Thanks for all the great info. This is so awesome. I'm about ready to scream, I want the new album so bad. I think it makes everybody more anxious since we know the album is done and 100% listenable at this point, but we can't have it yet. I can't wait.
  6. #6

    Ent0303 Banned

    Jan 9, 2003
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    Hey guys, this might be reguarding the same stuff that was informed in this forum. But on LP's website, there is supposed to be a new studio report today about an interview and news about the new album. Might be the same as this, but oh well, official communication.
  7. #7

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    This is funny... people from the LPU yell at us for posting some news articles that we didn't know were supposed to stay at the LPU, and we have LPUers themselves submitting news... how hypocritical can you get?
  8. #8
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Exactly. In fact i wonder if we should delete this post. Well naw, cuz its gonna be on tommorrow anyways, but still...
  9. #9

    Remasterbated Banned

    Jan 18, 2003
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    ive seen everything on here , posted on the official LP Forums

    :phoenix: REANIMATED
  10. #10

    :chemist: :mike: :chaz: :joe: :brad: :phoenix: :rob:
  11. #11
    Todd Faced

    Todd Faced FLǕGGȦ∂NKđ€ČHIŒβǾLʃÊN LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Either contribute something useful to the discussion or dont post at all. Posting a bunch of smileys isnt useful and is just a post to raise your post count. This is your 1st warning, received for attempting to raise post count. 3 and youre banned.
  12. #12

    Either contribute something useful to the discussion or dont post at all. Posting a bunch of smileys isnt useful and is just a post to raise your post count. This is your 1st warning, received for attempting to raise post count. 3 and youre banned. [/b][/quote]
    wow man just calm downnn, its just a forum making a big deal warning man, just breath man. its all in fun.

    :chemist: :mike: :chaz: :joe: :brad: :phoenix: :rob:

    ps - todd im me if u have aim if not message me i wanna talk to u thx
  13. #13

    hey sorry bout that todd i wasnt on my comp could u im me again sorry for the hassle

    :chemist: :mike: :chaz: :joe: :brad: :phoenix: :rob:
  14. #14

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    we'd rather not have useless posts take away from the topic itself, we're trying to keep threads as places of discussion, not of unsensible crap. please read the rules.
  15. #15

    Bryan Guest

    we'd rather not have useless posts take away from the topic itself, we're trying to keep threads as places of discussion, not of unsensible crap. please read the rules. [/b][/quote]
    To add on to that, please use the Private Messaging function for just chatting to another member that does not have to do with the thread, thanks ;)
  16. #16
    User Name

    User Name Angry Marines. Always angry, all the time. >:C LPA Super Member

    Jan 18, 2003
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    Hey, how about we get back on topic?
  17. #17

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    lol, how ironic. telling us to get back on topic is off-topic.

    hehe, is there much more to say about this interview? i read this on the LPU and i thought it was great news, the story behind the title is intriguing.

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