Newly Revised Forum Rules!

Discussion in 'Newbie Camp' started by Casual D, Jan 30, 2010.

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  1. #1
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    01. Posting Links To Other Websites

    -- Do you have a band, blog, or website that you'd like to share with our forums? Not a problem. The Linkin Park Association will allow the posting of links to other websites, provided that the link does not contain any virii, is useful to forum members, and not an instance of spam or advertising, [which is completely frowned upon on these boards]. If your link falls within the acceptable guidelines, it may be posted without issue.

    1b. "What Is Spam?"
    Spamming consists of everything that is not wanted on a message board. Such examples of spamming would be posting links to other (useless) web sites or making off-topic posts that do not follow the point of a thread. If you create threads with links to products (or to spam a business) the link will be deleted, and the thread closed. If you create threads that do not serve a purpose on the forums or are considered wasteful, the thread will be closed and warnings may result from repeat offenses.

    1c. "What Is Considered Advertising?"
    Advertising is posting links to either products you are selling or business websites you own in an attempt to receive customers or traffic. You may post links to interesting items for sale you come across (rare Linkin Park demos) or websites you find, as long as you receive no benefits or compensation, monetary or otherwise, for bringing visitors to said site. Special circumstances may be granted by PMing an admin (ex: you are selling your entire Linkin Park collection); however, The Linkin Park Association assumes no legal responsibility for any items linked to on these boards that are sold through a third party or external third party website.

    02. No racial, derogatory or homophobic slurs
    Racial, homophobic slurs, and the use of "retarded" are absolutely not tolerated on these forums and will result in an automatic warning with no questions asked. Part of our mission in running the LPA is to create a peaceful and welcoming community, and as a result, we do not want our community littered with these kinds of derogatory remarks. We ask that you please refrain from making any such remarks on the forums. If you have a problem with a user, please contact a member of staff.

    03. Respect other users
    You are entitled to your own opinions about matters discussed on these forums, but you must be willing to accept the opinions of other users as well. If you do not agree with the opinion of someone else, please discuss it with them in a peaceful matter and do not flame the user for having different views. Flaming includes (but is not limited to) personal attacks against other members, and any types of flaming will get a user issued a warning. Also, threatening users is not allowed under any circumstances. We do not wish to see injury/death threats made against other users on our forums and will handle the situation accordingly depending on the severity of the offense.

    04. Do not re-register
    If you have been banned and you attempt to re-register, you will simply be banned again unless you have permission from a member of staff. Shall you already have an account but wish to change your name, do not re-register. This only overloads the database of the forums. Instead you should PM an Admin to get your name changed if requested.

    For ban appeals please SEE RULE 12: Appealing A Ban if you are interested in being re-instated.

    05. Use intelligence
    To put it simple, please act like you have some intelligence and make it possible for other users to read your posts so they can understand what you're saying. Please don't be lazy or type in "text talk". Posting like you do not have any idea what you're doing only makes the forums look less intelligent and will turn other users away. It does not take that long to make sure what you're typing is legible and can be read by everyone. If you have to, invest in a dictionary or use Firefox's automatic spellchecker. Continued abuse of this rule will result in warnings as staff sees fit.

    06. Keep it clean
    While most fans of the band are now old enough to handle somewhat offensive material, there may still be younger users on the forums and we need your cooperation in shielding them from anything potentially offensive. Please use common sense when posting offensive material and remember the golden rule: If what you're posting could greatly upset someone, or offend a particular race, sexual preference or religion then chances are it probably will.

    Please use discretion when posting NSFW material. Shall you wish to post a link that you feel is not work or child appropriate, please mark it with an "NSFW" tag, but also be aware that despite the above: pornographic or incredibly graphic (i.e. X-Rated) material is still prohibited.

    Warnings will be given as staff sees fit.

    07. Asking for/posting copyrighted material or warez
    Asking for mp3s or videos on this site from copyrighted releases is not tolerated. It is against the law for us to put copyrighted material owned by record labels/movie studios up on the forums for people to just download. If you're found asking or posting anything that has been released in a commercial format, you will be warned. Staff will give additional warnings as they see fit. It is also requested you do not post links to MP3s, unless the links are from the band's official site/ok'd by the band (or from a site where they posted the MP3 themselves, such as, as that is copyright infringement and cannot be allowed on these forums.

    08. Respect Other People's Musical Tastes
    People's musical tastes vary, so don't hate on someone for liking a band which you dislike. People make threads about bands in "Other Bands" so they can have other fans comment on his/her band that they like. They don't wish for someone to come in and start bashing the band on how much it "sucks". You may not like the band, but someone else may, so try to respect that. Please read this.

    09. No Advising
    Most of the LPA staff members have been moderating these forums for over 6 years, while newer staff members were picked because of their great understanding of the rules and due to the fact they know how to handle moderating situations. Therefore, all of the staff members know how to do their jobs and we ask that our members please refrain from antagonizing the staff members publicly. If you disagree with a decision by a member of staff, please discuss it privately with that staff through PM and not publicly on the boards.

    First offenders will be given pre-emptive warnings, and repeated offenses will warrant a warning. We ask that you continue posting normally, and let all moderating jobs to the moderators.

    10. No teenie-boppers
    Teenie-boppers are not accepted on these forums. We ask that you keep all of your sexual thoughts about the band to yourself. Most of the users could care less how hot Chester Bennington is or how much you want to marry Mike. We simply do not care. If we see you making posts like this, you will be banned instantly and will not be able to reaccess the LPA forums.

    11. No Chatting About The Band's Personal Lives
    This is not so much a rule from us, as it is a request from the band members themselves.

    Linkin Park have said numerous times that they'd like their personal lives kept private and we here at LPA want to respect their wishes. Topics about the band's private lives (weddings, girlfriends, hotel whereabouts, addresses, etc) will be closed, deleted and the thread starter warned as the staff member sees fit.

    12. Appealing A Ban
    In the interest of being fair, The Linkin Park Association will allow banned members the option to appeal their ban only once should they feel their banning was brought on in an unjustified fashion. The staff agrees to review all cases presented to them, as long as the appeal is presented in a respectful manner. All appeals must include supporting evidence. If the offense(s) are minor, the application will be accepted. Should a ban appeal application be accepted, it will then be passed on to the community for a vote. Our ban appeal forum will only appear when a ban appeal is available. Should the majority vote against allowing the banned member back, or if there are no replies within a week of posting, the application for ban appeal will be terminated and no further appeal requests will be honored. Should the community vote in favor of lifting the ban, the staff will allow the member back on a one-strike policy until further notice.

    13. Guilt-tripping/shaming
    Attempts to use Chester Bennington's death by suicide as a means of guilt-tripping or guilt-shaming people for having critical opinions of the band, or critical opinions of albums in their discography, will absolutely not be tolerated.

    Many of our members on this forum struggle daily with depression and mental illness, and the loss of Chester has proven to be incredibly difficult for many people to handle. Attempting to shame people for not liking a certain album due to Chester's passing, is not only extremely harmful, but can also be potentially dangerous and/or triggering.

    Please refer to the list below for more information regarding minor and major offenses:

    Major Offenses (Permanent Ban, No Appeal Allowed): Threatening, harassing or verbally assaulting another member for their race, gender, religion or any other differing opinions. Openly insulting and its community, slandering staff members and/or conspiring to damage the website's reputation over personal issues.

    Minor Offenses (Acceptable For Appeal):
    Indirect or accidental slurs, spam and insults. Accumulative offenses over an extended period of time.

    One-strike Policy:
    Any member on a one-strike policy will receive no warnings or infractions for breaking the rules and instead will be penalized with a permanent ban without the ability to appeal.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2018
    StevenCressler likes this.
  2. #2
    Heavy is the Louis

    Heavy is the Louis No really, we are so back. LPA Team

    Apr 17, 2005
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    Thank you for clearing up and revising some of these rules. Very straightforward and should no longer be difficult for any member to abide by. :)
  3. #3
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    No, thank YOU for being a longtime member. We revised the rules to better suit you guys haha.
  4. #4
    The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    I think I can follow these rules safely enough. So thanks for the new clarity and allowing us to post bootlegs and DSPS too! :)
  5. #5

    Joeverflow It's all the same to me LPA Administrator

    Mar 20, 2004
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    I'm surprised nobody is excited about the fact that it's now the members who help decide ban appeals, and it's ultimately down to you guys who gets to come back if they slip up too many times. :lol:
  6. #6
    The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    I'm sure we're all excited about being able to hold the ban hammer for a few seconds.. haha :lol:
  7. #7

    Arlene Oh what tangled webs we weave LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2007
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    And, theze rools r pritty ez to undrst@nd!!1! Thanx guyz :)
  8. #8
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    And may I say what a relief it is to have it that way now. Now people cant say we (the staff) are holding a grudge if they're not allowed back...since the entire forum spoke and decided to give them the boot :lol:.
  9. #9

    Daniel Run for your life. LPA Super Member

    Sep 8, 2006
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    Awesome guys, I'm really liking both the new rules and layout.
    Pretty pleased about some of the rule changes, not the least the one on appeals.

    Thank you to all the guys and girls at LPA for continuing to make this a great place to post. Now I just need to stop being so sporadic in my activity here. :lol:
  10. #10

    ShinodaTwin Linkinland is the new Disneyland

    Sep 17, 2010
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    Read the rules and will follow them. I agree they're very straightforward. Take care.
  11. #11
    Rana LP Luvr

    Rana LP Luvr 'Fly me up on a silver wing'

    Apr 30, 2010
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    Members should be reading that first.. i mean who's new and should follow the rules.
    And i think there should some respect for others opinions..COOL
  12. #12

    dereklp :Not here:

    Aug 19, 2010
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    Mmm I am a big fan of rules.
  13. #13
    Super Sonic

    Super Sonic The Hedgehog LPA Super VIP

    Jul 28, 2010
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    Me to.
  14. #14
    Star Scream

    Star Scream Does A Machine Like You Ever Experience Fear

    Oct 18, 2011
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    I really appreciate the fact that LPA shows a lot of modesty when it comes to what is acceptable and what is unacceptable, it shows that they have control in their forums and therefore makes a building community of people who like Linkin Park. The LPA staff should not really care about people who want less restrictions in the rules that LPA put in place because those people may jeopardize the environment of the community in LPA.
  15. #15

    Jeff WORSHIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Feb 3, 2010
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    Bumped for emphasis.
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