Hello all. I'm new. Der. Oh, you want to know who I am. Well, I'm Rachel. I live in Massachusetts, and have been obsessed with Linkin Park since Hybrid Theory. I know I know, I heard of them when they were mainstream. Bad Rachel Bad. But, I actually didn't want to hear Meteora because I had this belief that sophmore albums tend to suck. Oops. I didn't know Linkin Park would dash that rumor. But yea. I am now a member here. You may start picking on the little n00b.
Welcome to the LPA. My name is Andrea. Please be sure to read the rules and PM any member, admin or mod if you have any questions. Have fun!
Welcome! You can call me Chris, which most people do, or you call me Compton Ass Chris. Anyway, welcome to the boards! Make sure to read the rules so you wont get in any trouble
Hey hey! I'm Fiona, welcome to the LPA. PM the mods if you have any questions about anything. It's a nice place here (And addicting...)
Radio: "Enemy Spotted" Radio: "Roger that." Radio: "STORM THE FRONT!" Sergeant Major Bernstein: "ENGAGE MARINES!" Radio: "Go Go Go!" Radio: "Taking fire! Need assistance!" I'm quite odd, call me Tempest. Welcome to LPA.
No call Chris "That Guy" ANYWAYS! Hey welcome to the boards! I'm May pm anyone with any questions you have and make sure you read the rules and have fun posting
Hey everyone! Thanks for the warm welcome! You know, I wouldn't have even known about this site if it wasn't for Nate, so...uh...yea... thanks Nate! I live in Southeastern Mass... And yes, I shall call Chris Compton Ass Chris... hehe... Thank you, Hybrid_Bunny. I love your name too... And don't worry Tempest, I'm a psycho. I understood that actually