My other account was somehow lost, so I created this screen name. Yes, that is my nickname, so if you ever talk to me on AIM just call me corky. Xero Hybrid21 if anyone wants to talk. I'm a high school senior from MA, who LOVES Linkin Park. I got tickets to the Projekt Revolution that comes to Mansfield. I'm so PHYSIC! (sp?) Life hasn't been bad, just it's never great. What can you do.. Well, I must be off, we aren't suppose to be on "un-educational sites" during school hours. What a bunch of ####.
Welcome to the LPA. Read the rules, don't be a teeny, and have fun. You can also PM me or a mod with any questions.
Hey Corky! Have a great time at the forums and remember to obey the rules/guide. . PM me with any questions.