I'm doing a challenge with a friend where you have 2 hours to make the best 1-minute mini-song you can. It's an exercise to get you thinking really quickly and just pumping out lots of new material, even if some songs are really lol bad. Usually it takes me about a week to complete a song and another week or more to let it fully sink in to make sure it's 100% finished, so this is pretty uncomfortable to do. Here's my first one. Turned out kinda weird. [youtube]AloYBEwFRmE[/youtube]
Thanks, guys. I didn't make the video. I didn't feel like spending a couple hours making a new video for a 1-minute song. The template is from Mocarg. He gives away free After Effects templates now and then. Here's the link: http://mocarg.com/?p=139
I really like it. It's an interesting mix of sounds that seem a little discordant at the beginning, but come together nicely in the end.