New Shows in China, New Album Next Year?

Discussion in 'News' started by Astat, Aug 2, 2008.

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  1. #41

    Radish Guest

    YES! Yes it is... :shifty:
  2. #42

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    The hell are you talking about?
  3. #43

    Snail LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    Will, don't you get it?

    'GET A GRIB!'

    *rolls eyes.
  4. #44

    Naazon Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    Personally i really enjoy the Rap/Nu Metal sound and one of my fav tracks from MTM was Bleed It Out. and Fav track of all time is Faint. But i enjoyed MTM for being Linkin Park. But being different. I want a hard hitting screaming song, flick on MTM. want a nice soft casual song... flick on the other 1/2 on MTM. its awesome. Im really looking foward to this new album because they are coming off the back of a successful album and extensive touring. I think Meteora was good. I think this next one will please.

    ALSO on a side note: Chester finally posted a new blog if anyone cares. Pretty much only info in it is about New album and Ve'Cel street Team.

    - Neil - CBO Mod.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2008
  5. #45

    Tim My perversion power is accumulating LPA Super Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    Good lord, a few people make some comments about their interest for the band waning and they're haters all of a sudden?
  6. #46

    Dean LPA Addict LPA Addict

    May 8, 2004
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    It's true that there are one or two people here who seem to take an attitude that's something like "Ooh, get me, I hate Linkin Park but I'm posting on a Linkin Park board, how cool am I for that?" Note that there's a difference between that and just not liking the band anymore but still posting here.
  7. #47

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    That's kind of what I was thinking.
  8. #48

    Bennington_Hahn This goes out to everybody still hatin' LPA VIP

    Apr 6, 2007
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    I can totaly realate to you point of view, mainly cause i got into LP exactly the way you did. "Numb" was the first LP song i'd heard (at least properly) and I loved it. but not enough for me to download their albums. After that i heard "in the end" but that still wasn't enough. But then I heard "Points of Authority!... and that sealed it, These guys we're my new favourite band!

    Shortly after than I downloaded the rest of HT & Meteora and then I released how good these guys were. And like you, no one knew how excited i was for MTM. But i knew this one would be different. When i heard the album I was very impressed, but there were some songs that didnt really do it for me. but since the album came out I've grown to love the songs i disliked and appreciate every single one.

    And the fourth album will be no differnt!:lol:
  9. #49

    Luke Mind Your Manners. LPA Addicted VIP

    Jun 23, 2004
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    I'd like to point out that I wasn't trying to attack anyone or stir up something when I said what I said. I just think that people need to be a little more optimistic about the whole thing. By saying the next album will be make or break for you makes it sound like your almost expecting it to let you down.

    Take this as an example: alot of people here didn't think 'With Teeth' by Nine Inch Nails was anything special but to my recollection I didn't see one person say something like ''the next album will be make or break for me'' and lo' and behold pretty much all the NIN fans on this forum really liked the following album, 'Year Zero'. Now I'm not a big NIN fan but I've gotta give kudos to the NIN fans on this forum in that they always seem to have faith that anything new by NIN will be awesome.
  10. #50

    Chris LPA Addict LPA Addict

    Feb 21, 2003
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    Chester is going to work on his solo project btw, he said that on his blog.
  11. #51
    Colonel Sanders

    Colonel Sanders Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2007
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    I think they should grab a different producer. Perhaps one we have never heard of before.
    MTM is an album i love, because its good for one thing and I appreciate the fact that the band got off their rear end to do something. They went on tangents and took risks that, based on the first 2 albums, one might not expect.
    This band has a shat load of time left in their career. Don't worry - we are going to hear some Linkin Park. I know I want to hear some of that.
  12. #52

    Isthil Member

    Oct 21, 2006
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    I, personally, loved MTM. I just hope the next album is a little heavier or something, just so that it doesnt sound to much like the same thing
  13. #53

    Snail LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    Chester Bennington in his 'Mankini' for the next album cover would be promising no?

    Anyways. Lame jokes aside, I for one am extremely grateful at the moment knowing that a new album is already 'in the works'. With the direction they went with MTM, it's pretty much useless to even try and predict how their next effort will sound. I for one, want some more 'High Voltage', 'Dedicated' songs from them..on the album, or on an LPU release.
  14. #54

    Radish Guest

    Yeah same. Now that M2M came out I'm dying to see what else they can come up with. I think it was really interesting seeing The old LP sort of transform into the new LP and become more experimental, I wonder whats next. Whatever it is, I know I won't be disappointed!
  15. #55

    Gitsnik WAAAGH!!! Über Member

    Apr 3, 2007
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    The only think I want is to have at least half of the songs on the album to be heavy songs
  16. #56
    Colonel Sanders

    Colonel Sanders Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2007
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    I think lp should experiment with the acoustic guitar. I wouldn't mind hearing some classic rock finger picking & rap twisting of music. I just hope they don't work with Timberland.
  17. #57
    T to the Core

    T to the Core New Member

    Aug 5, 2008
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    The truth is, the whole "this next album will make or break them for me" is kind of true. Now, not that I think it will disappoint me. It won't, I am positive that I won't hate it. I have a lot of optimism for the LP, they try so hard to please their fans, there is no way I will be completely disappointed by it, but in recent years Linkin Park has gone from being my favorite band to being just a mild interest. I will always love them as a band, for being my first taste of rock and being the band that got me into my current interests, for their extensive touring, for their drive to please their fans. And while I disliked M2M overall, it got them a lot more respect from me. All of their songs are consistently tolerable, and they are the only band who does not have a song that, if it came up on my mp3 player, I would skip.

    But, I am maturing musically, and so I am leaving Linkin Park behind, and while I don't want them, and nor will they, to change completely just for me, they have to make some changes if I am to love their music the same.

    Overall, I think they should retain a similar sound to M2M, particularly with songs such as In Pieces, Breaking the Habit, and No Roads Left, which have a 90's alt. rock feel, and while not heavy are not slow either, and are simply straight out rock with electronic mixes. Also, the LP has two vocalists. They should use that to their advantage. Put a bit more rapping in their by Mike, have him sing more songs maybe, but mainly they should have some vocal harmonies between Chester and Mike. I also think they should bring back the whole densely layered, dark, almost spacey atmospherics from their first album. That is really what made me fall in love with them.

    But, most of all, improve the musician ship. Please. I want deep instrumentals. It doesn't have to be virtuoso, but at least highly professional. I am not expecting some groundbreaking, wicked fast licks, rivaling Dream Theater or Dillinger escape Plan or Mars Volta, but after doing this for over ten years Brad should be able to deliver something with some complexity, something that I wouldn't be able to replicate a few weeks after first picking up the guitar. Phoenix needs to give us some memorable basslines, maybe use a bit of slapping. Rob is okay, and Joe is real good at what he does, but still, overall, make some improvements. With Chester and Mike. Well, Mike is really a very good MC, not up to Nas or Eminem level, but still, he is good. Continue with the way he rapped in Fort Minor, and he is good. Now, for Chester, he has a great voice, but his lines can be too simple. Maybe stray away from the simplistic lyrical structures he has been using. Also, going further with his range.
  18. #58

    Shadester (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

    Apr 3, 2007
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    My god, you've made the best post in the thread. These are my sentiments exactly and you explained, much better than I could how I felt about the 'make-or-break'.

    Oh, and welcome to the forums. :D
  19. #59

    Roxas Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2008
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    Amen, Hellflame! Some wise words at last!

    I appreciate the things LP does for their fans too. A friend told me they played Reading My Eyes in their recent shows because a fan asked them to :/ (I'm not completely sure whether this is true, but hey, let's just assume it is)

    I think Meteora, though similiar to Hybrid Theory, was awesome (my favourite album, as a matter of fact), and Minutes to Midnight a good show of hard work. I'm confident that their new album will turn out great, and yes, will release in 2009.
  20. #60

    palingenesis Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    possibility is a terribly word in the LP dictionary
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