Perhaps Mali or whoever can confirm or deny this, but it's kind of hard for me to believe. Then again, there were emo protests/riots in Mexico, so I guess anything can happen.
I'm glad I live in the United States where I've got freedom of expression, no matter how big of a douche bag I may look. Not that I look like one, but still. That's fucking ridiculous.
I don't really see what there is to joke about. If that article's true, it's coming about because of some wank pseudo-progressive newspaper's exploitation of a young girl's suicide in a completely different country. That's pretty ridiculous. :\
I was only expressing my opinion that I think the "look" is what's douche bag-ish to me. I think the concept of outlawing a certain type of music is ridiculous and isn't right at all. I wasn't clear with what I said.
That wasn't aimed at you. Either way, this story just goes to show how far being a reactionary bitch will get you. It's a sobering thought.
The whole thing is a stereotype. Or two stereotypes. So broad that they have no definite meaning. It's bullsh*t.
i hate emo people they just cry they should all be taken to psychiatrist because there is nothing fun in being emo so i support russia if they make that law
Well, that's not right. Stupid teenagers decide to suicide, not bands. And that Hannah Bond is not even worth mentioning, it's her own fault she's dead, these fucking teenagers of now are scum.
I guess personal accountability for your actions doesn't apply anymore. Oh what will they crusade against next?
Well, when it comes to suicide it's not like the state of whoever it is doing so is always the only factor worth considering. But all this stuff about MCR's fanbase being a suicide cult is ridiculous. It's not even as if it's the old "whichever band's lyrics make people commit suicide" thing. If Hannah Bond's parents actually believe this themselves then I'd hate to be their kid, I mean I'd say blaming something on a whim and not looking more deeply into what's happened is bad parenting if it could even be called parenting.
I pretty much agree. This isn't any different from the myriad of other bands (or styles of music) who have had these allegations hurled at them before. It's just another round of baseless finger-pointing by people who don't really know what they're talking about. Instead of actually looking at the root of the problem, they instead go about these pop-culture witch-hunts that end up solving nothing.
Right. As far as I know, this is an actual law. It really, really depresses me, seeing as I actually live in this country. So far, I've not seen it actually in effect, but we'll see. Or rather, I hope we won't see.