New Interview Sheds Further Light on DBS and New Linkin Park

Discussion in 'News' started by Casual D, Jul 17, 2009.

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  1. #1
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    In a recent interview on; Chester Bennington expanded further on the premise behind his new solo album "Out Of Ashes" (releasing in September under the moniker Dead By Sunrise), as well as details on his first single and the sound we can expect to hear on the upcoming Linkin Park record, due for release in 2010.

    You can read the interview in full here.
  2. #2

    Isthil Member

    Oct 21, 2006
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    I can't wait, it's gonna be epic
  3. #3

    esaul17 antichrist

    Jun 17, 2004
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    ""I think that being in Linkin Park, our sound is so different from song to song and record to record that I really was forced to stop worrying about what I might think our fans want to hear, as opposed to just writing music that I like," he said."

    I must say, I find Chester's view of his own music just ridiculous a lot of the time. Almost every song off Meteora and Hybrid Theory used the same song structure, to act like each track they do is so different is just silly.

    That said, I am looking very forward to hearing this album.
  4. #4
    Heavy is the Louis

    Heavy is the Louis No really, we are so back. LPA Team

    Apr 17, 2005
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    esaul17: I'm sure he's just speaking in reference to the difference between the first two albums and Minutes to Midnight. I doubt he had Hybrid Theory and Meteora in mind.

    And it's not silly. Each track they do *is* different. I don't think a lot of people realize it, but Meteora did have its own identity. Yes, there were plenty of similarities that do not need to be noted another time, but Meteora had its differences. The sound, overall, was darker and it wasn't as erratic as some songs on Hybrid Theory were. Erratic isn't a bad thing, I'm just saying to show a difference. And Meteora had its shining moments. I thought despite the similarities that Don't Stay, Breaking the Habit, and Session were excellent works on the album. Personally, I don't think that Linkin Park has made a song with an impact like Breaking the Habit since that very song came out. Not a single song on Minutes to Midnight did what Breaking the Habit did (given Minutes to Midnight is more of a transition album than it is anything else).

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to both albums. I want to see what they pull off, especially now that the new Linkin Park album is being produced by Rick Rubin.
  5. #5

    Dean LPA Addict LPA Addict

    May 8, 2004
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    I agree with this, even though I am probably as critical as anyone here when it comes to Meteora.
  6. #6

    $pvcxGhxztCasey meanwhile... LPA Addicted VIP

    Mar 14, 2003
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    What impact did Breaking the Habit have? The only significant thing about that song was the damn video. I don't get why everyone falls all over themselves whenever "Breaking the Habit" is brought up. People talk about this song like it's some epic masterpiece. Even the subject matter is cliche.

    I want to know what "Breaking the Habit" did that a song like "The Little Things Give You Away" couldn't do. Was the former more popular? Yeah, but it had mainstream media backing, the latter didn't. Which one is the form of LP finally evolving and overcoming what people think an LP song should be? I'll give you one guess. I say this every time a new album is released, but I hope on this one they finally take the steps they've been needing to take. Experimentation isn't a bad thing.

    And didn't Rubin produce the last album? Expect more of the same from the last album, but with a few new tricks most likely. I love the band to death (at times), but I'll be goddamned if it doesn't seem like LP is the cash cow for Mike and the rest of the band, and their sideprojects are where all the shotdown ideas manifest.

    No disrespect, either, but I have to laugh at anyone saying "Session" is an excellent piece of work. Yeah, it's good, but it's just an interlude. It's the equivalent to a skit on a rap album.

  7. #7
    Heavy is the Louis

    Heavy is the Louis No really, we are so back. LPA Team

    Apr 17, 2005
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    As much as I thought The Little Things Give You Away was a great bit of experimentation for Linkin Park, that's nothing any other band *can't* do. Yes, the lyrics say a lot and the music is good, and the solo is great and everything, but the song is basically screaming "Snow Patrol". Breaking the Habit did more not because it was mainstream. It was the fact that the song hits close to home for so many other people. And at that time, it was unlike anything else Linkin Park had ever done. It's the one song from both Hybrid Theory and Meteora that differs from everything else. Yes, Little Things definitely had some great experimentation...for Linkin Park.

    And out of curiosity, why do you even bring up Little Things? I wasn't trying to make a comparison. I was just saying that Breaking the Habit was one of Linkin Park's best and that Minutes to Midnight didn't reach that sort of level. Everything on Minutes to Midnight wasn't refined and fine-fitted. Everything could have used more work. I'm not saying that it's a bad album, because Linkin Park needed an album like this to make the transition and it's necessary, but Breaking the Habit just had more substance than songs on Minutes to Midnight did.

    And I can't say that Session was the equivalent to a rap skit. It's a well-crafted song. Given, they could have done more with it, but I don't think it even served as an interlude. If anything, I would figure "Nobody's Listening" was that song. Had they done more with it, maybe it'd be considered otherwise on your part. I personally think it's great.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2009
  8. #8
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Sadly if there is one thing I have learned about Linkin Park in the years following their music, is that what they not always what they deliver musically.

    Don't get me wrong, I really do like their music and they are probably one of my top 10 favorite bands, but they have a tendency to let their imaginations fly when describing their new the point the end result is completely different.

    Sure some of this is the media's fault (they made Meteora sound like a NIN-esque masterpiece), but I will try not to hold my breath till the record comes out because Warner could limit how creative the album really is. I trust the band, just not their label.
  9. #9

    esaul17 antichrist

    Jun 17, 2004
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    Louis: He didn't just say album to album, he specifically said song to song being different. I just don't see how he can claim LP songs host more variety between them than an average rock band (especially on HT and Meteora).

    I mean, I love LP, and am dying to hear this new CD. I just feel it is often that you hear them describe their music, then you listen to it and are left thinking "How could they describe THIS like THAT?"
  10. #10

    Bennington_Hahn This goes out to everybody still hatin' LPA VIP

    Apr 6, 2007
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    C'mon guys, BTH & LTGYA are both ground breaking songs in their own way. lets leave it at that!

    Besides this interview gets me even more excited about DBS anyway.

    September cant come soon enough!
  11. #11

    Babali Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2008
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    This makes me very excited for Dead By Sunrise, I'm sure it's going to be an excellent record. Amazing concept and I'm glad to hear that Chester didn't really enjoy the party all the time game.

    I'm also anticipating the next Linkin Park record as well, because by the looks of it they're going for an even more experimental sound with this next one.

    On this side note every one keeps commenting on about Hybrid Theory and Meteora sounding 'so similar' or whatever, just remember when you first heard both records I'm sure you thought 'holy sh**'. They produced such an amazing, dynamic yet simple sound with rock n' roll hip-hop beats and motivating lyrics in those two albums, that is what Linkin Park is all about, in my opinion.

    However, they were so brilliant from the beginning and they're so artistic that they're bound to experiment and dip in to other genres, especially the mainstream which has treated them very very well, but they won't forget their fans and I'm thinking this next album is going to be for the fans.

    A thought that just came to me is that Hybrid Theory came out and their fans expected them to make another record sounding like that. To please the fans, and themselves (because they were obviously really enjoying that style of music at the time), they released Meteora, which was an amazing record as well, just a lot more mature sounding and overproduced, less experimental.(possibly record exec influences, etc.)
    But then they took a step back and said 'we can't repeat ourselves again, we have to do something different.' That was themselves experimenting with each other and finding out what their new potential is as a band with all the success of their first two albums.
    They were just having fun, and Mike was putting all of his rapping in to Fort Minor at that time it seemed, with this attitude like 'I just gave you a free mixtape, all these b-sides, an album of rapping, what more can I do right now? I gotta write some more, jeeze. President Bush sucked.'

    But now I think they're going to make a hybrid of it all. That's what I'm getting this hint and hunch of. Who knows right now though, really, we have such vague information so far about that record, don't take my word for it. Here's for hoping it comes out early next year! :)
  12. #12

    2xPutt Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2003
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    not only am I excited for both of these albums, but we should atleast have some high quality live songs soon as LP is going to do their soundboard recordings again. Let's hope they keep the sound board recording while DBS jumps into the LP set like Chested stated. :D
  13. #13
    Colonel Sanders

    Colonel Sanders Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2007
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    I'd just loove Mike to say; Yea it's horrible, we have low expectations about this next album were making. I think the words they describe to us is partly mindset and it's just them teasin, but as some of you seem to be saying; where do you draw the line. It would be interesting to see them take a completely different road this time and convey some mysterious and indirect meaning. Genre-busting is a term i've heard and used before, but these pieces of cake have to fit together somehow. It'll still be linkin park; tasty, but some people won't dig their new flavour. The independence of external thought is a great reasoning to be pumped for this album.
  14. #14

    lpmaniac4000 Active Member

    Dec 14, 2003
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    Looks like I'm the first person to mention that Chester says that DBS is gonna come on in the middle of LP's set then LP will come back in finish. Is it just me or does that seem stupid? Why not just be the act before LP and save everyone the time and effort of going on and off stage several times and tinkering around with the stage setup?
  15. #15

    The_4GT10_fACE Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2009
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    Well.... Fans were waiting for years for Chesters soloproject, only thing what we heard was that remix of The Morning After 3 years ago and since then, it was a little quite about the project, it could bring us some good :D. MTM us some difference from the old work of LP. Still, it rocked and I enjoyed listening MTM :)
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