Interesting how divided people are with this album cover. I really can't tell if I like it or not yet, I need the album as a whole to jugde. But as long as LP polarizes their fanbase, they're doing something right I think
DOesn't change the fact that its a shit album cover. In fact just makes it worse. If I was a musicians I don't want my kids on an album cover.
I think we should pump the breaks on the album cover idea for just a minute. Been a long time since I've posted on here, but as my avatar art would remind everyone, this is not the first time we've been asked to piece a puzzle together, and last time, it was for "single" cover art - namely, Burn It Down. I think album details are yet to come.
Hope it's the album cover! It's really different to Linkin Park's past albums, I love it. Hope the album is different and cool as well!
The image still feels kind odd and I don't know if it's just because of the difference compared to the other albuns or if it's because it might be something else. Either way I'm digging it
It is only a cover and there are pessimists already..guys save yourselfes for the songs when they come out
Holy crud, dude, calm down. Regardless of whether it ends up being the album cover or not, you're acting as if LP ran over your pet or something.
I mean, I know I'm normally the one who is the champion of A Thousand Suns, but how can you say THIS is the worst LP album cover ever when this exists?
If this is the cover, I'm happy. It's so different from previous ones and the more LP can surprise me, the better.
Yea I don't know why everyone is so quick to judge. I'm guessing it's a single cover too. Sidebar: remember when the internet hurled human feces at Heath Ledger being cast as the joker? Ha ha, good times!